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~~~ ~~ . <br />I~~.. <br />City Council Minutes <br />Regular Council Meeting <br />Monday, June 16, 2003 <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn and Councilmembers Kough, Schroeder, Klausing 6:05 p.m. <br />and Maschka, met in the City Council Chambers on the above date. Roll Call <br />Roll Call: (Voting Order): Kough, Klausing, Maschka, Schroeder and <br />Kysylyczyn. <br />Call to Order Call to Order <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn called the regular meeting to order at 6:05 <br />p.m. and welcomed everyone to the Roseville City Council <br />meeting. <br />City Attorney Jay Squires was also in attendance. <br />I. Public Comment Public <br />Mayor Kysylyczyn called for public comment by members of Comment <br />the audience. <br />A. Dr. Richard VerMagen, 176 South Owasso Boulevard <br />Dr. VerMagen expressed disappointment at the continuing <br />dissention on items taken out of context and reported in <br />Pioneer Press articles and alleged it's perpetuation by the <br />"Save Roseville" group. Dr. VerMagen opined that he <br />hoped -that the citizens of Roseville were not ignorant. <br />Dr. VerMagen provided a compact disc to <br />Councilmembers, which he stated would explain his <br />rationale for involvement in the local government picture. <br />Dr. VerMagen expressed his appreciation to <br />Councilmembers for their improved behavior over the last <br />several weeks. <br />B. Joseph Machyowsky, 2690 North Oxford <br />Mr. Machyowsky announced that Councilmember Kough <br />would be performing at the Central Park Band Stand with <br />his group, the Banjo Bandits, at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, <br />June 17. <br />