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City of <br /> R*SEVILLE <br /> Minnesota,USA <br /> Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Minutes <br /> City Hall Council Chambers, 2660 Civic Center Drive <br /> Monday, February 11, 2013 <br /> 1. Roll Call <br /> Mayor Roe called to order the Roseville City Council regular meeting at approximately <br /> 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone. Voting and Seating Order: Willmus; Laliberte; Etten; <br /> McGehee; and Roe. City Attorney Mark Gaughan was also present. <br /> 2. Approve Agenda <br /> Councilmember McGehee requested removal of Consent Items 7.g and 7.i respectively <br /> entitled, "Approve Teamsters 2013-2015 Contract Terms;" and "Establish Sale Date for <br /> 2013 Refunding Bonds." <br /> Etten moved, McGehee seconded, approval of the agenda as amended. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus; Laliberte; Etten; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> 3. Public Comment <br /> Mayor Roe called for public comment by members of the audience on any non-agenda <br /> items. No one appeared to speak at this time. <br /> 4. Council Communications, Reports and Announcements <br /> Councilmember Willmus announced an opportunity to support local military troops and <br /> their families, as part of the North Suburban Beyond the Yellow Ribbon Program, sched- <br /> uled for the second Monday of each month (upcoming events scheduled on March 11 and <br /> April 8, 2013, at the White Bear Lake V.F.W. on Highways 96 and 61 in White Bear <br /> Lake, with burgers and chips available for$5.00 each. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte announced the upcoming meeting of the Parks and Recreation <br /> Renewal Program on Tuesday, February 12, 2013, at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council <br /> Chambers, with plans presented for Lexington Park. Councilmember Laliberte noted that <br /> this park renewal had been approved,with various discussions during 2012; and that the <br /> purpose of this meeting was for review, funding sources, and to seek guidance from resi- <br /> dents and park stakeholders. <br /> Councilmember Etten announced the next seven week session of Roseville University <br /> every other Thursday from 6:30 — 9:00 p.m., starting on February 28, 2013. Coun- <br /> cilmember Etten noted that this interactive process provides a fun and informative be- <br /> hind-the-scenes look at local government. Roseville U is free, but space limited, resi- <br /> dents were asked to sign up to keep class sizes reasonable; with sign up available at City <br /> Hall or via the City's website. <br />