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City of <br /> 101 <br /> EviruE <br /> Minnesota,USA <br /> City Council Meeting Retreat Minutes <br /> City Hall Council Chambers, 2660 Civic Center Drive <br /> Wednesday, February 18, 2015 <br /> Mayor Roe called the meeting to order at approximately 12:00 p.m. and introductions were made <br /> around the table of Councilmembers and Department Heads; before turning the meeting over to <br /> Facilitator Craig Rapp. <br /> Present: Mayor Daniel Roe and Councilmembers Robert Willmus, Lisa Laliberte, Tammy <br /> McGehee, and Jason Etten; City Manager Patrick Trudgeon and Department <br /> Heads: Police Chief Rick Mathwig, Fire Chief Tim O'Neill, Finance Director <br /> Chris Miller, Public Works Director Duane Schwartz, Parks & Recreation Direc- <br /> tor Lonnie Brokke, Community Development Director Paul Bilotta; and Facilita- <br /> tor Craig Rapp. <br /> 1. Review Discussion from Tuesday Session <br /> Mr. Rapp briefly summarized yesterday's meeting based on the organization's culture <br /> and value propositions accomplished through a SWOT analysis to identify organizational <br /> and community challenges, in preparation for further defining and refining strategic pri- <br /> orities and identifying desired outcomes and indicators. Mr. Rapp advised that the efforts <br /> today will be to finalize those key outcome indicators for moving forward. <br /> 2. Identifying Organizational and Community Challenges (continued) <br /> Strategic Priorities (Challenges) Summary <br /> Those priorities identified from yesterday's meeting and receiving uniform agreement <br /> were: <br /> • Civic Engagement <br /> • Housing and Redevelopment <br /> • Effective Governance <br /> • Aging Infrastructure—Infrastructure Sustainability <br /> Another priority was identified; however, Mr. Rapp stated that he was unsure if it re- <br /> ceived unanimous agreement; and that was "Determining Priorities/greatness" which he <br /> had taken the liberty to restate as "Organizational Evolution," which from his perspec- <br /> tive would include an organizational value proposition, service, delivery and quality. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that, through accomplishing the four uniform priorities, <br /> the City would have gone a long way toward effective governance, at which point organ- <br /> izational evolution would naturally follow as the City moved forward from that point. <br /> Mr. Rapp confirmed his understanding that the desire was to incorporate "civic engage- <br /> ment" in all areas, even though it was called out as a separate strategic priority in the list. <br /> Mr. Rapp expressed concern that, if not calling it out separately, its impact may be lost; <br /> but by saying it was a target priority in all other categories, the outcomes specifically ad- <br />