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Cit�� of <br />1�� <br />� <br />Minnesota, USA <br />Regular City Council Meeting Minutes <br />City Hall Council Chambers, 2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Monday, April 11, 2016 <br />1. Roll Call <br />Mayor Roe called the meeting to order at approximately 5:30 p.m. Voting and Seating <br />Order: McGehee, Willmus, Laliberte, Etten and Roe. City Manager Patrick Trudgeon <br />and City Attorney Mark Gaughan were also present. <br />2. Pledge of Allegiance <br />3. Commission Interviews <br />With the arrival of Councilmember Willmus at approximately 5:35 p.m., all Coun- <br />cilmembers were available for interviews held with four candidates to fill one vacancy <br />for an unexpired term on the Finance Commission. <br />Recess <br />Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 6:15 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br />6:22 p.m. <br />4. Approve Agenda <br />Etten moved, Willmus seconded, approval of the agenda as presented. <br />Roll Call <br />Ayes: McGehee, Willmus, Laliberte, Etten and Roe. <br />Nays: None. <br />5. Public Comment <br />Mayor Roe called for public comment by meinbers of the audience on any non-agenda <br />items. <br />a. Annabelle Slade, student at Roseville Area High School (RAHS), and Joe <br />Hart, Coach Nlentor for the RAHS Fire Bears Robotics Term <br />Ms. Slade noted recent competition by the Fire Bears with other robotics teams. <br />Ms. Slade noted the group's interest in attending the first worldwide robotics <br />league scheduled in St. Louis, MO later this year. Since this is a non-profit group, <br />Ms. Slade humbly asked for financial assistance from the community and various <br />civic organizations in helping fund this trip for fees, transportation, housing and <br />other logistical support. Ms. Slade noted that the group would need to rely on the <br />generous donations from sponsors and their community. <br />Additional information is available on Facebook or by searching on <br />the RAHS website. <br />On behalf of the City Council and community, Mayor Roe wished the team luck <br />and congratulated them on their competition successes to-date. <br />