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<br />006 <br /> <br />VILLAJ.E COl;iJCIL OF nOSE.vILLE <br />Meeting,T~2sd~,June lst,194B,2 P:J <br /> <br />----------------------------------------- <br /> <br />Tte VillaGe Council I.1et on the a'Jove èate as a cOYltinuation of the <br />meeting of May 27th,1948 'I',i th the following. members present: Carlson, <br />Ha.'1ill1ersten,Membrez,Hueller and Pothen. Also present was Ira Karon,attorney. <br />Eresiden~ ~ueller presided. <br /> <br />Membrez introduced the following resolution on Standing Rules for the <br />Villilt;;e of H.os8'Tille anr:1 moved the adoption thereof, seconded by Hammersten. <br />Ron call: Ayes-(5),Nays-(O) <br /> <br />Rule 1. Regular meetings. Regular Teetings of the CO~Yl~il shall ~e held <br />ãt"the Hall on the first and third Tuesèays of each montl1 <br />at 2:00 o'clock P.M. <br /> <br />Rule 2. Special meetings.Special Deetings may be called by 2 members o~~ the <br />Council in ~Titing,filed with the clerk who shall notify the memhers <br />of the time and place t1:1ereof in writing by mail at least 3 days <br />prior to the date set for said meeting. <br /> <br />Rule 3. QuorUT:l.Three members of the Council shall constitute 2 quorwn. <br /> <br />Rule 4. IiIinlltes read and corrected. Should the roll call shon a quorum and <br />if not,as soon as ? quorum shall appear,minutes of the previous <br />meeting shall be read by the clerk ane'! ,3ny mi8takes therein ~hall <br />be corrected. <br /> <br />Rule 5. Duties of President. The President or the presiding officer of the <br />Council shall preserve order and decorum ffilå shall decide questions <br />of order subject to appeal to the Council. <br /> <br />Rule 6. Corrnnittees.The President shall appoint such'standing or."special <br />committees as may be authorized by the Council from time to ~ime. <br /> <br />Rule 7. Motions.Any motion by any m.ember shall be reduced to writing upon <br />the request of any member.No motion shall be debated or put until <br />it has been stated by the presiding officer. <br /> <br />Rule 8. Minutes of Motions.After a IIlotion shall be stated by the President <br />or the presiding officer it shall be in possess~Ð.,¡,'pf the Council <br />but it may be withdrawn at any time before amended or acted upon <br />by the Councilman presenting the motion.All motions and. amendments <br />threto sh~~l be entered upon the minutes and the vote thereon <br />whether they be adopted or rejected. <br /> <br />) <br /> <br />Rule 9. Petitions,Memorials,Etc.Petitions,Memorials and other papers <br />addressed to the Council shall be presented by the presiding officer <br />or bJ a member in his place or may read by the Clerk at the request <br />of a member or the presiding offi:cer.A1.1 petitions,memorials and <br />other communications which may be filed with or delivered to the <br />Clerk prior to the meeting of the Council shall be brought before <br />the Council hy said clerk. <br /> <br />Rule 10. Members shall vote.Vlhen a question is put by the chair ever.y member <br />of the Council present shall vote.Any member of the Counci,1,.failing <br />to vote shall be considered as voting in the negative.Roll cãll Shall <br />be called upon the order of the presid~ng officer and upon the request <br />of any member. r <br />