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<br /> ROSEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br />MEETING MINUTES FOR <br />APRIL 6, 2021 6:30 p.m. <br />PRESENT:Arneson, Baggenstoss,Boulton,Brown,Dahlstrom,Heikkila, Hoag, <br />Lenhart, Ybarra <br />ABSENT: Carlson, Kim <br />STAFF: Brokke, Christensen, Johnson <br /> <br />1) INTRODUCTIONS <br />Chair Hoag introduced the virtual Zoom format for the meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. <br />State Law allows for an exception to in-person public meetings during pandemics to ensure the <br />safety of commissioners, staff and the public. The public was still encouraged to participate in the <br />meeting using the Zoom platform. <br />2) ROLL CALL/PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Roll Call Commissioners:Arneson, Baggenstoss, Boulton, Brown, Dahlstrom,Heikkila,Lenhart, <br />Ybarra, Hoag. <br /> <br />Chair Hoag called for public comment by members of the audience. <br /> <br />H. Weber, joined the meeting to thank the Commission for their service and to comment on the <br />height of the basketball hoops at Autumn Grove Park. Mr. Weber estimates that the hoops are set at <br />10ft and 8ft. As a resident of the Autumn Grove Park neighborhood, Mr. Weber frequents the <br />basketball hoops often. Overwhelmingly, on the occasions that he has visited only the 10ft hoop is <br />being utilized. As a result of COVID he is hesitant to use the 10ft hoop with other groups of people. <br />Mr. Weber has observed groups of children using the lower hoop. However, they have been Middle <br />or High School aged children and anecdotally theycould use the higher hoop but appeared to be <br />utilizing the smaller hoop to dunk. He asked that the heights of the basketball hoops be looked into <br />and that the lower hoop potentiallybe raised or have an adjustable height mechanism added. <br /> <br />Staff responded that typically hoops in the parks areset at 7ft and 10ft to allow all ages and abilities <br />to use at least one hoop. In addition, if both hoops are at 10ft older players tend to use them forfull <br />court games which could potentially deter younger users. <br />Staff added that Maintenance staff were out today to check the hoop heights at Autumn Grove as a <br />result of another resident who called requesting that the 7ft hoop be increased. Maintenance staff <br />was planning to raise both hoops to 10ft at Autumn Grove as a result of the resident feedback. <br />However, staff did ask that people keep an eye on if the higher hoops leave out younger users. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />
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