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<br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE <br />Regular Meeting Tuesday, May 19, 1953 at 2:00 P.M. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with t he following members <br />present: carlson, Yfillmus, Connor and Hammersten. Membrez absent. <br />Milner Carley, Village Engineer, and Ira Karon, Village Attorney, were <br />also present. <br /> <br />Willmus moved, seconded by Carlson, that the reading of the minutes <br />be waived and approved according to copies furnished each member of the <br />Council. Roll call Ayes-(4) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />The Clerk read the petition presented by the Sunset Memorial Park <br />Association, Inc. for tho rezoning of certain property from Farm Residence <br />to Industrial District. The report of the Zoning Board recommended that <br />the petition be granted because it appeared to be for the bettennent of <br />the entire Village and also that the adjacent areas are now zoned in- <br />dustrial. <br /> <br />Mr. Matthews, representing the Sunset Memorial Park Association, ap- <br />peared to discuss the petition. He said that Fred Ossanna could not be <br />present today but had authorized him to state that the Sunset Memorial <br />Park Association would dismiss the appeal pending in the Supreme Court on <br />Wednesday morning (May 20, 1953) if the ten acre tract being petitioned <br />for is made Industrial now, and later on, they will also ask that the <br />middle third of the tract owned by them be rezoned Industrial. The balance <br />of the tract to the extrege West will remain Farm District for the future <br />needs of the Village. <br /> <br />Hammersten moved, Carlson seconded, that the petition for rezoning <br />the following described property be granted to take effect as of June 3, <br />1953. If the appeal is not dismissed by June 2, 1953 the petition will <br />be reconsidered at tllat time. <br /> <br />"The easterly 700 feet of the tract of land described as follows: <br />That part of the North 1/2 of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 8, <br />Township 29 North, Range 23 West of the Fourth Principal Meri- <br />dian, described as follows: Commencing at a point in the North <br />line of said Section 8 distant 53 feet west of the point of <br />intersection of said North line with the Westerly line of the <br />right of way of the Minnesota Transfer Railway Co., which right <br />of way line is parallel with and distant 50 feet westerly, <br />measured at right angles from the center line of the main track <br />of said Minnesota Tranefer Railway; thence Southwesterly making <br />a southwest angle of 150151 uith said section line, a distance <br />of 330 feet; thence Southwesterly on a tangential curve to the <br />right with a radius of 533.7 feet, a distance of 312.06 feet <br />to the actual point of beginning of the tract of land to be <br />described, said point being 611.37 feet south of, measured at <br />a right angle to, the north line of said section 8 from a point <br />therein distant 310 feet west of the initial point of commence- <br />ment; thence southwesterly along a continuation of last descrihed <br />curve to its intersection with the northerly line of the right <br />of way of the Minneapolis and st. Louis Railway; thence south- <br />westerly along said Northerly line to the west line of said <br />section 8; thence north along said west line of said section 8; <br /> <br />334 <br /> <br />Rezoning: <br />Sunset Mem. <br />Park Assln. <br />