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<br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE <br />Regular meeting February 9, 1954 at 8:00 P.M. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members <br />present: Olson, Carlson, Salverda, and Milner Carley, the Village <br />Engineer WB.S also present. <br /> <br />Olson moved, seconded by Carlson that the minutes of the last meeting <br />be approved and read at the next meeting. Roll Call AyesN(3) <br />Nayes-( 0 h. <br /> <br />There was much discussion on the new amendment of the dog ordinance. <br /> <br />It was suggested that only school districts be controlled and home <br />owners take care of their O~TI dog problems. It was suggested that <br />a party of three, representing for and against the ordina.11ce be heard <br />and a compromise be had. <br /> <br />Mr. C. J. Linder ~ 3069 Woodbridge, who represents three organizations <br />in the Village read the dog ordinance before and after the amendment <br />was passed. It was agreed by all present that the ordinance was a <br />good one, but without a leash, and if enforced would be sufficient. <br /> <br />It was suggested that before the council pass a ordinance the people <br />have a vote on the matter before passing such a ordinance. <br /> <br />Mrs. BotWftI.made a few remarks, pertaining to the effect that since <br />the people in Roseville elected the officers for the good of the <br />people as a whole, it was justly so, that they should pass any <br />ordinance they should choose so to do, and that the people should <br />abide by such ordinances. <br /> <br />Don Carlson, 924 Lovell, representing Grandview Parks Association, <br />spoke on the problem of the expansion of the trailer camp at Victoria <br />and High-Way 36. <br /> <br />He made an appeal to the council to have their attorney appeal the <br />case to the Supreme Court. <br /> <br />He also made an appeal to the people as a whole gathered at the <br />council meeting to give their view of the situation. It appeared <br />that the majorit,y of the people was in favor of appealing the case. <br /> <br />Mr. Floyd Olson asked the people present to raise their right hand <br />if in favor of appealing ano those opposed to raise their hand.. <br />Since the people unanimously voted on to accert the appealing of the <br />case. It was agreed that the council have the case appealed. <br /> <br />Wm. Meyer, who was present offered to let our attorney have a record <br />of the case, which was taken at the trial, and which he had purchased <br />for his own information at the price of $88.00. <br /> <br />Olson made a motion, seconded by Carlson that an appeal be made <br />immediately. Roll Call Ayes-(3) Nayes-(O). <br /> <br />452 <br /> <br />Dog Ordinance <br /> <br />Expansion of <br />Trailer <br />C éUnp <br />