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<br />VILTA'1E COUNCIL OF ROS'EVILT..E <br />Regular IDe:)ting, T:10;JJay Eve. June' 1954 3 O'Clock P.l>!. <br /> <br />The TJilla:ß Council met on the above date with tho follo~.,ing members <br />present. Salverda,ì'JïlL'1l'J.s, Olson and Ha.ml1lersten. Hilner Carley and B.·J. <br />Loftsgaa..:....den. VillaGe Engineer and Villace attorney were al~o present. <br /> <br />Olson rnoved,seconded byWil~~s that the minutes of the last meeting <br />of June 1st be approved as corrected. <br /> <br />Hr. Earl Anderson lShl Arona a res:ident of Fa.lcon Heights and one of <br />few la~jers who reside in the rural area appeared before the Comcil at <br />the requcst of a group of residents of Roseville who were concerned about <br />a.n article appearing in the paper regarding the establishment of on On- <br />sale liquor store. 1'Ir Anderson stated that the group he represen-Gs <br />were opposed to the store and the St.Viichael church went, on record last <br />Sunday as opposing the store. <br />Hr. Anderson complimented the Village on its fine grm-Tth a..'1:1 knew of <br />the fina.'1.cial problems we are confronted. ,-rith. <br /> <br />Rev. Ellison, of the Calvary Baptist Church with a membership of 200 <br />people said they were perturbed when they saw an article in the paps!' <br />that plans were under way for the establishing an On-sale liquor store. <br />Mayor Oh¡on said he was perturbed al::;o a;3 the newspaper article only <br />included his n~~e. Rev. Ellison said we has a fine school system and they <br />¡{ere working hard to work out a plan for the YJU-."1g people and asked that <br />the Council think three or f'~ur t:L'TICS before they decUe ,-¡hat to do. <br />:Tis church group were definitly opposed to s11ch plans. <br /> <br />Van Harwood 1159 Karyl place ::elt the taxpayers should decide the <br />matter rather than the Cm.mcil 3..TJd 'fas opposed to the starting of an On- <br />sale place and wanted the Cou:nci1s a.TJSWi3r on the advantages of such a <br />store. \'Jillmu5 answered by sayIng (with all the demands made on the <br />Council for ser/ices we could use another $100.000.00 dollars and with a <br />store of that kind we could probably make that muck money to render the <br />services asked for.) Van Harwood felt the COŒllci1 should decide most <br />issuer: but something as large as the.t ;.;h,)uld be decided by the votors. <br /> <br />"Harth Dchs 1179 Ski11ma..'1 Ave. asked if any thought had been given to <br />issueing licenses to individuals. Hinneapolis liquor stores have gone <br />sour in some instances by employees not being honest. <br />B..J. Loftsgaarden stated the legislature had set up the reg:Üations by <br />which Minnes_ota ; operates. <br /> <br />Rev. Jas. Butle'!:' of the North Como Presbyterian church said he had <br />been throu~l this thing sever~l times. The promises made fell short of <br />the goal at Worthington j"'Iinn. a.'1d severa] other towns <:1.'1d felt if the <br />citizens could not pay for the services they need rather than on tho <br />1-realmess of a fe"1 who patronize those places some other meam:¡ of revenue" <br />should be found. If licenses were put in the hands of individuals we . <br />could crack d:!'\ffi an them.If the Village is in control nothi..~g ca..'1 be <br />donc. <br /> <br />Oeo R.ebeck 1171 Eldridge ýJa.'J opposed to an on sale place <br />or by indiv Id-J.als, saying you could not get liq:wr anywhere in Roseville <br />without driving to tho stores. <br /> <br />1\irs. Philip Bourt'lc 2;:50 No. 3ncllL.'1g Ave. asked if we went Into the <br />matter, if we had to submit it to the people for a vote or could the <br />council decide. <br /> <br />502 <br /> <br />Opposition <br />to Liquor <br />Store <br />