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<br />VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE <br /> <br />Regular meeting of the Village Council June l2~ 1956 8rOO p.m. <br /> <br />'.rhe Village Council me~ OD the above date with the following members present. <br />Salverda, Carlso., Kitts, Hammersten, and McGee. Attorney Gearin.and Engineer <br />Ed Bather were also present. <br /> <br />-<:arlson Moved" Hammersten Seconded the mirlutes of the 1fq 15, Council Meeting <br />Je approved as presented. Roll CaJ.1 Ayes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Sal verda Seconded the Miœtes of the Hay 21, Council Meeting be <br />approved as presented. Roll Call qes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />The Minutes of the June 5, Council meeting were held over as there had not been <br />time to read them. ' <br /> <br />The Engineer and Buildinß Inspector reI>l'rled tþeir recommendations for issuance <br />of a bt1i¡,ii1'\g pel'lBit to L. & Z. Mfg. Co. for an addition to their existing bui.ld- <br />ing. Carlson Moved, Hammersten Seconded the Council conc,ª" with 1:4e. recommendations <br />of the Engineer and Building Inspector. Roll Call qes (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />.A tabulatioD report on the new insurance program for the Village was read. and <br />discussed. ~or Kitts will check into the benefits of taking out the policies <br />for one year, two year, and three yu:r periods and report at the next regular <br />meeting. <br /> <br />The matter of the proposed ordinance establishing specifications for all <br />streets hereafter constructed within the IIllage of Roseville was brought <br />UP. Also brouzht up at this time was~ a proposed ordiDance establishiDg <br />regulations for the subdivision and platting of land wi thin the Village of <br />Roseville. <br /> <br />Carlson Moved,. Hammersten Seconded the matter of adopting the ordinances be <br />layed over so that all members of the council could. pt together and study <br />the ordinances article by article. Roll Call J¡y'es (l1)-Nayes (,). Kitts, <br />MaGee, ~ Salverda Opposed. <br /> <br />Herb George of 485 B~ew Drive Stated that he had financial. interest in the <br />matter being he is a citizen of Roseville. He aSlœIt why the Village had to go <br />to Chicago to get a Planner who never heard of Roseville, when there must be <br />some one in our own city with the same qualifications. The Mayor and Mr. McGee <br />stated that the hiring of a planner from Chicalo was unanimously passed by the <br />last Council. <br /> <br />Mrs. Phi 1 1 ip Bourne of 2550 Snelling Curve also answered Mr. George by say- <br />.ng that the appointment of a planner was a matter of qualification and not <br />. where the planner is from. <br /> <br />Mr. Ed Willmus told that he is of tlle opinion that the adpption of the <br />proposed ordinance will not help the old residents of Roseville and will <br />kill future home building in the Village. <br /> <br />Mr. Ed Li.ndboDt of 2965 .&seal, gave his opinion on how the adoption would <br />benefit the older residlllce of the Village. <br /> <br />Mrs. George Mooney of N. Lexington gave her ideas on how the Village cou]d <br />gain from the adoption of the ordinances iñ question. <br /> <br />1_ "" L <br />\'t\ ~ Y <br /> <br />--t ~ s. <br /> <br />'\<c--~' '?\~ <br />_ h è,~' <br />-t:'7:>,y <br /> <br />c..\,;"....g <br />"\?\(¡...,,~¿"'f <br /> <br />.-;) ? "J':-~ <br />,,'''\" ,,;.,€- <br />'\ . rI .J- <br />( r,,' <br /> <br />" <br />