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<br />The hearing on the vacating of a stub road east of Troseth iîoad was brought VACA1~D ST¡~b <br />up. No one appeared either for or é'Eainst the vacating. ROAD <br />Hamrle rsten !'Ioved, Carlson Seconded the follc'í'TÍr:S desc!'ibed property be vaci.' -Cede <br />Roll Cell Ayes (5)-Nayas (0). <br />Subject to Troseth Road & E:y:teIid. So. ')60 feet; part of m.¡~ r:I of line <br />running north at rigtt 2ngle ,;.¡~_th South li..11e of c",ò from point t..l¡ereon <br />1513 feet East from S.W. corner of NJ{.~ bein£ ~lso East of line ru~n~1g <br />Northe8.sterly at angle of 51 26' Hith South line from poi.."1t thereon <br />752.9 feet East from ~Ñ corner of ~~Ii of Soc. 5, T 29, Range 23, <br /> <br />Subject to Troseth Road; beginnin¡;: ~o5 feet North from SG~th line of N'vii <br />on line running North at right 2ng1e 'Hi th Sout:::t line of ,£ frompoiClt tLereon <br />1381 feet East from gr,; corr.9r of :¡'li-; thence ',Test parD.llel Hith said South <br />line L~7 .02 feet; tr-,ence ?Jortbi8;3t 172.1 feet ;,1CTe or Jæss to point 1:;79 feet <br />Northeasterly from said south line, me::sured on line running Northeasterly <br />at angle of 51 2S' ,;·¡ith said Sûuth line, from fGi~1t thereon 752.9 feet East <br />from sdd S. ~'l. corner; thence Nortl'leasteY'ly on s2id line to line parallel 'í <br />& 660 feet Hprtit f~ sadd South line; thence East on said parallel line to <br />s2~d ~ight angle line; thence South to beginnins in Section 5, T 29, R 23, <br /> <br />Subject to Troseth Road; the North 330 feet of South 6'~0 feet of East 132' <br />of part of ì·JT¡[!, ~f of line ruhning North at ri:)"lt angle Hi th South line of <br />& from a poirrt thereon 1513 feet East from Sf corner of J.Ir.'J~ of See 5, T29, R23. <br /> <br />Village of Boseville <br /> <br />ii.egular meeting of the VilJ_a:;e Counci11iednesda~T, "T'T.lary 2, lS)57 3 P.:. <br /> <br />The Council met on the above è.ó,te 1Üth the follO'í-ring members present: <br />Brennan, C3.rlson, Havnlnersten, Kitts ancì. HcGee. Attorne:Ts Geo.rin 8.11d <br />Loftsgaarden and Engineers Bather and Sout-ser "were also present. <br /> <br />¡.¡. <br /> <br />· <br />u. <br /> <br />\ <br />I <br />· <br /> <br />I <br />C. <br />'r <br />f <br /> <br />· H21Tt"'1ersten YIO\Ted, C"rlson Seconded ttat St. Anthony Park Sté.te Bmk be desigrrated <br />Ii» the B. O. S., General, and Sevrer fÚIlds. Roll Cll A:,¡es (5)-Né'yes (0). <br /> <br />Hammersten Hoved, Carlson Secëhnded tl'l.::..t :'al£on Egts. State Bank be desi.:.:;né'ted <br />for the liquor funds. Roll Call Aves (5)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />· Carlson l-loved, Hammersten Seconded th2.t Erenn2.n be designo_ted Acting Hª-yor for <br />. the ensuing year. Roll CO.ll Ayes (5)-Heyes (0). <br /> <br />Hammersten l!oved, Ce.rlson Seconded th2.t :3. H. Lofts£aarclen be designated Vil:Laf,e <br />Attorney for the ensuing year. Roll 0".11 Ayes (4)-Nayes (1)... l-ícGee opposed. <br /> <br />Hammersten 110ved, C,:rlson Seconded thé'.t :¿;d::ather ênd Charles SOJ.tter be <br />reappointed Engineers for the ensuing year according to the Organization <br />Chart s11bmitted by Ed Bather, Hith the duties as outlined on the chart. <br />Roll Call Ayes (S)-Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Carlson JeIoved, Hammersten Seconded the appointmerrt of inspectors be 1aþ3, <br />Jver until the next meeting. Roll Call Ayes (5)-N~es (0). <br /> <br />Hammersten Hoved, Carlson Seconded the ezisting road crell members ce reappointed <br />with the duties as outlined on the Organiza:bion Chart. Roll Call A.,yes(5)_Nayes(0). <br /> <br />HaJrliilersten T-Ioved, C2xlson Seconded the present liquor stc;Te employees be <br />reemployed far the er.suing year and that a check be made for a new employee <br />to fill the position of Mike Walsh who has resigned. Roll Call Ayes (5)-Nayes(0). <br /> <br />Hammersten lioved, Carlson Seconded the Rose Triblne be designated for legal <br />publications. Roll Call Ayes (5)...Nayes CO). <br /> <br />BAlIK <br />m:s. . ( . ¡ :"::IS' <br /> <br />B.Aj'T1C <br /> <br />Di~S ~c Cri if /~TE· <br /> <br />}..CTI~T~~· <br /> <br />l~\YOR <br /> <br />A T ':"C~P.':.EY <br /> <br />E:',>3INEEP. <br /> <br />I~'·j:-jI.)l~crT1C:]._ <br /> <br />ROþJ) <br /> <br />Ci1E:' T <br /> <br />LIqrJ OR <br />STÅ“.:E <br />EtlPLO': .Z <br /> <br />ROSE TETE <br />LEGÞ.IS <br />