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<br />Village of Roseville <br /> <br />Regular meeting of the Village Council Tuesday, January lS, 19S7 <br /> <br />2. P. M. <br /> <br />The Council met on the above date with the foll~wing members prese:1t: <br />Breénan, Carlson, HrolliTIersten, Kitts e~d McGee. Attorn6Y B. H. Loftsgaarderu and <br />Engineers Ed Bather and Charles Soutter were also present. <br /> <br />Hamrr.ersten Moved, Carlson Seconcleè t.he minutes of J;mvary 8th be accepted as corrected. <br />Roll Call Ayes (S) - :Hayes (6). <br /> <br />4 report was reaà from the Building Inspector on the Kugler Dancing School located at <br />1124 DioI"'.ne, which is residential zonee:. property. <br />Mr.Kugler was present to explain that his school waë previously located in a <br />basement at the Lexington plaza which Ìlad o:1ly one entrance. He reported that <br />his present location meets with the approval of the Industrial Conmission, that <br />he is not close to neighbors and that there is plenty of p~king sPace. <br />Carlson Moved, hRffiffiGrsten Seconded the matter be tabled until ~ a <br />written objection to the ~chool operating in that area is received. <br />Brennan Moveà, NcGee Seconded that the matter be tabled until the attorney <br />gives an interpretation of the meaning of the work IIschool" in the zoning <br />ordinance ¡:;overning such matt~rs. Roll Call Ayes (S) - Nayes (0). <br /> <br />Car130n 1\10 ved, EamIT.Grsten Seconded the attorn6;; receive a pa;r schedule of <br />$SO.oo per Council meetings (re:;c:lar or special), !?Q.OOVfor ,1vlu."1:!,c:i.pal C01J.I't <br />trials, a.Q.d .$¡S.QO per hour for extra san·ices )Jer·~.l accorðing <br />to the~é~èt up by the :ünnesota Bar Association. Roll Call Ayes (3), <br />Nayes (2) :Kitts anà McGee ",poseel. <br /> <br />A set of tempora.IJT Rulas and Regul.s.tions w4!"-c..Submi tted ry the P'Jlice Civil <br />. Service COß1.1'!J.Ìssion. Yerne Heyne, Folice. CĹ“mnissioner was also present to <br />discuss the regulations. <br /> <br />A letter waS reaci from the police Department rec¿"J.esting a mininrillIl of <br />three men for protection to the Village, as several men have tender9d <br />tLeir resignations to the depart:n:ent and. any new men must have cert.aL"1 <br />special training. <br />Mr.Heyne stated that Section 12 of the RQles and R8¿ulations ~ould <br />authorize the employment of the men necessary if the police Chief ì"rill <br />contact the Secretary of the police CommÜ:sion with his request. <br /> <br />A letter was read from t~e Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post No.7SSS <br />notifj~g the Mayor that the week of JanuaIJT 20th through 26th has been <br />procla:L1led National VFW week. Copies of the W.ayor t s Proclamat:i.on were <br />enclosed and it was reql1ested that one copy be sent to the Rose Tribune <br />for publication. <br />H~~ersten Moved, Brennan Seconded, the Mayor issue the procl~aation. <br />'1.011 Call Ayes (S) - N ~'es ( 0 ).. <br /> <br />A letter was read from the State of ;,Li.nnesota Water Pollution Control <br />Commission announcing that plans recently submitted for sewer&ge facilities <br />in the village have been approved and a permit for construction has been <br />granted. <br /> <br />A letter Vias read from St. Anthon;)' Village Fire Department thanking the <br />Roseville Fire Department for t~e fast service which they gave on the <br />ir.oI'niYl~ of December 29, 19S6 <br /> <br />Kugler <br />DANC:2JG <br />SCHOOL <br /> <br />LOFTSGAARDEN <br />SALA.'ü <br /> <br />FOLlCE Cr.':::L <br />S!::RVICE <br />COMMISSION <br /> <br />POLICE <br />RESIGNATIO:T;S <br /> <br />VFW W"eek <br /> <br />STATE p¡.;m:TI'L <br />CÆAì~TED <br />