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<br />~." <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Village 01' R08f:vlll.;:: <br /> <br />RegulS1' meeting of the ;lillaga Coul1cil~ 'X'uEJ3ds,y, Febx'uaX'y 25 ~ 1993 <br /> <br />'\ <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the I.lbove date with the following members <br />prelent.. Cederholm, Harrtmerstenlt Brennan and Carlson~ HcGee absent.. <br />Attorney Lof'tsgaarden and Enginesl" were also present. <br /> <br />Carlson Moved, Brennan Seconded that the minutes of FebÀ"\U'1I'Y 18.~ 19,8.. <br />be accepted as presented" Roll Callþ Ayes (4)..Na,ya (O). <br /> <br />Steft Ze.ce was heard concerning Civil Defense. He would like to <br />get approval trail the Council to buy a radio tor the Civil ~fense <br />rescue truck. Zeece est1mates radio to cost around $700000, Civil <br />Defense would pq SO% am the State 25%, leaving 25% to be paid <br />by the Village. Zeeca wae advised to obtain exact cost of radio <br />and exact amount the Village would w.nTe to pay-. <br /> <br />Bob Johnson vu heard representing the Esther Williu':1s T-,¡¡in Cit.y <br />Sw1mm1ng Pool Canpan,y. They wish to build a smnple pvol with a <br />small area. Hamroersten Hovedp Brennan Seconded thst <br />permission be given to prooeep with plana to e:r'ec'~ a swimming <br />pool with patio and parking arca and to present plant] to BuUd:lng <br />Inspector for a buildir¡,g permit" Roll Call, Ayes (4)-Nays (eL <br /> <br />Robert Bell wae heard and informed the Council that property on <br />Rice and County Road B was purchased in 19".. The 60 ft. piece <br />ot propert;.y lett will be Ilccesa '00 the property in back. Brcnrwn. <br />Moved, Hanmersten Seconded that g building permit be gZ'wte!L <br />Roll Call, Ayes (4)-N~s (O)ø <br /> <br />Hanmersten Moved, Carlson Seoonded th8 t. bids for sewer truck be <br />opened. Roll Call, Aye 8 (4) ..ì-layg (0). <br /> <br />Kell. Sanitation $1,650øOO ../ <br />(Water tank and truck) <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, H7\111D8rsten Seconded that, the bid be é.\.tl8.rded to <br />Keller Senitation. Roll Call, Ayes (4)..·Ns¡ys (0). <br /> <br />ß P,... <br /> <br />CIVIL DE.'FENSE: <br />RADIO fOR RESC;\.i¡í; <br />TRUCK <br /> <br />SVl~rI?j 0. .r{~(-"T. <br /> <br />BELL BL'CC, <br />PERl-'in' <br /> <br />SE'dE~!è TRt: iX. <br /> <br />H_mersten .Moved, Carlson Seconded that Maple Lane St. be vacated P>Hf'LE 1ilNE <br />providing that the deed to the other portion of the roð.t1 be '¡I\CATED <br />pNsented in proper fOrDI. Ron Call, Ayes (4)""Nlqs (0). <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded that 'the Council accept financial F'INANCIAL m:,p'~1¡;r' <br />report presented by Hsmmersten for the year December .'31,. 1957. <br />Roll Call~ Ayes (4)-'~¡~8 (0)" <br /> <br />Mr. 'Mat.tila presented the Council. W'1th the final audit. report on FINAL AUDI:~ <br />the liquor storeso 'l'he st'ore will now have proper records with LIQUOR s'rORE~, <br />revisions put into effect" Brennsn stated the new manager out <br />operating expenses ~lJ'200.00 a month on On Stile and increaled <br />seles iSOo.oo a month. <br /> <br />Hanmersten Moved, Brelman Seoonded that the Council not.if)' Northern 5TRBE'1' LIGH';".:è <br />States Power to install street light"s at the following locatiofllS: TO BE INsrrAL(' <br />Ruggles and FernwoodJ County Hoad D and Chatswarth; Matilda and <br />lone j Gaul tier Md Co'mty Ro~Hi C? r i\.læneða &"1å Belt!1ont Lane. Roll <br />Call, A~;~ (1)"Na;:ni (0' <br />