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<br />Village of Hc>8t?v:ì.l1e <br /> <br />Regular meeting or tho Council. 'l'u3sday, February 24, 1959.. <br /> <br />The Village Council met on the above date with the following members <br />present: Cedarho1m, Keene, Brennan, Carlson and Shields. Attorney <br />Jerr,r Lottsgaarden and Engineer Soutter were also present. <br /> <br />Brennan Moved, Carlson Seconded that the minutes of February 11, 1959, <br />be accepted as corrected.. Roll Call, Ayes ($)...Nsys (0). <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Carlson Seconded that tlU:1 bids 1'01" Gasoline,. Diesel FUel <br />and Cutback AsphaltÞ-)aterial be opened. Roll Gall, Ayes (5J-Nays (0).. <br /> <br />8:00 P.N. <br /> <br />MINUTES <br /> <br />BIOO ... GAS, <br />T1!ESEL Fm~L & <br />01 'J'DA CK !f; A'1"[.n <br /> <br />GASOLINE - Standard Oil Co. <br />Ford Deep Rock Oil Co. <br /> <br />?egular 1..5¢ <br />Regular _02,7,¢ <br /> <br />PreniUll1 l.'¢ <br />Premium _03587 r,~ <br /> <br />DIES&.. FUr:r. - Standard Qil Co. l-D O..c;¢ <br />Ford Deep Hock Oil Co.. l....D ..o2452¢ <br /> <br />2··D o,,5¢ <br />2..D _02194¢ <br /> <br />CUTBACK ASPHALT MATERIAL <br />Richards Oil Co.. .. !"íC Cut··Back Asphalt Ornd~) 0...1...2...3 <br />SC Liquid A::;phal t Grade 1-2 <br /> <br />v1 ,,1193' <br />-II 01093' <br /> <br />Northwestern <br />Refining Co..- 1l¡C .Asphalt Grade 0..1...2...3 <br />SC Liquid Asphalt Orade 1-2 <br /> <br />.$ ..lJl~.3' <br />8 ..1043' <br /> <br />Brennan Moved. Carlson Secondad that t.he above bide be refe¡'red to the <br />rlUaee engineer tor tabulatJ.on and report back at the next meeting. <br />Roll Cau, Ayes (,)..lIays (0). <br /> <br />Mrs. Wqne Krogross of too League of t"oman Voters requested they be pe¡>- <br />aitted to sponsor an open at the village hall in the afternoon on <br />Mq 10th. Carlson Koved, Brennan 5econded that the Clerk sohedule the <br />open house tor May 10, 19,9. Roll Call, Ayes (').Nayø (0).. <br /> <br />Hr. Leo Stenger, attor~el for Richard Sperl waß heard and requested th(! <br />Council re-open the relOning hearin.g which the Council denied on J anus!'j'" <br />13, 19S9. <br />Brennan Moved, Shields Seconded tha t the Sperl resoning petition be re,,,, <br />activated for further considers,tion end tabled until the matter of the '.ìeed <br />restriction 1s straightened out. Roll Can, Ayes ($)-N.,-s (0). <br /> <br />Shields Moved&- leene Seconded that the Council concur in the reoonnende-... <br />tion. of tbe rJ.ann1Dc Camm1eø1on and the petition :requesting. pq ðJJIp <br />at Hw7. 136 and Victoria be denied. Roll Call, Ayes (S)·Hqa (0). <br /> <br />Carle on MoV'ed, Shields ~conded that the council concur in the reacnmen.. <br />dationa ot the Planning Commission and the request of Co 081'l81' to reso!:1Al <br />'the tollÅ“ing described properV' fran '81'Øi to Ola8. 0 be granted with the <br />tollowing condition.1 Tbat the two proposed bu.ildinge oonform with tM <br />orientation ot the øx1st.1ng build:lng. and that an additionallS' of land <br />be acquired to provide access to the parking lot trait the proposed <br />sac and also to provide all the land possible on which to wild the two <br />additional buildings with 11 unite each. Roll CaU, Ayes (,)...Na;rs (0). <br /> <br />Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1" Block 2, Garley Addition. <br /> <br />OPE!'~; !C<) ;;b; <br />V11,L\(::'~ HALi. <br /> <br />SPERL R~ZONI '.) <br /> <br />PAY \In1!' <br /> <br />GARLf;Y <br />REZOtLNG <br />