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<br /> <br />f';i' ItoD!o.?tli',:Cl¡;1 <br /> <br />Rep,ular IIH'J; of tho;: COŒCGil... Tuec"iüy, Ï'l;:J;y" 12" 1959 <br /> <br />The Villa?:G Council met on the abov'e dat.e lÜth t.he fol1m~ing <br />members present.: If¡ayor Cedarholn" Keane" Brennan, Ca:clson and <br />Shields. Engineer Sautter aw) f\.'\::.torney· IJoftsgaarrlen t.¡ere also <br />present. <br /> <br />Shields Moved, Carlson Seconded that the minut~s of May 5, 1959 <br />be accepted as presented.. Roll Callþ Ayes (5)... Nays (I». <br /> <br />Attorney Loftsgaarden gave a talk on the Zoning Ordinance ex- <br />plaining in detail the new Zoning Ordinance. The Clerk read the <br />Title of the Or~inance. <br /> <br />Bill Rp,tling was heard, but the matter dic1 not pertain to the Zoning <br />Ordinance so it was d~issed. <br /> <br />Robert 'Dworsl-cy, attorney representing the Snelling Hub Shopping Center <br />was heard relati1'e to the r-roposed zoning of a "vacant, pieee of proper·ty <br />to the eaRt of the Sne1l.ínf' Hub Shopping Center.. <br /> <br />Dr. St.ranson wanted to !;.nmï \.rfj(>'C'E! ingresß <Jnr1 egres¡¡ .;ou1<1 be fer the <br />Proposed ShoppJmg Centm' .cor t.hJ.~3 area§> ami alBo requested that t.ho <br />Zoning Orti:l.na11ce be i)lnendE~cJ to :.\h01:1 a ,!Üx:imu~l foot Hbove grade 10'101 <br />that a bui lding may b(~ t:ov.strudÆd.. <br /> <br />The follo't-ring are re¡;l'GsønLativ(,'.~ oppm;:lng the Pro'Oos:;H:J ;;¡wpring Center <br />Thomas Lynch: JJ.!O¡~ BeJ.rnont. 1..æl:) <br />Lloyd Y..uckman: lh25 Ik)l!i1ont Lane <br /> <br />8:. C)O 1? .1\'1. at <br /> <br />lUNtJ'fES <br /> <br />ZO'HNG ORn~ <br /> <br />n <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />\I <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />tI <br /> <br />If <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br />¡~ <br /> <br />Francis B~:rtholet, reprcse;{ Er.Moebius, ()1íirWr of Lhe Portable Holding II <br />Gnd Manufact.uring Co. locat(')d ::I,t Vict.od.a and S;mdhur~t'!I requested if under' <br />the new Zonii'1.~ OrrJ' 'l¿'.\1ce t'Jr.. l,k)!"ì.:Jius could cOi'ìtinuø !,l'l:. his present business <br />under tho Non Conforming Use. It. 'was the opinion of the Council that he <br />could continue his business.. <br /> <br />Joe Cory: 1446 Sim.'ler 't:1as hea:t'd dlm.lpp:coving of t.he proposed p1ayr.round. <br /> <br />John Daubney: Ra."!lsey Gount.y Gor\ìmis~;im)J.Jrl! GonuJiended t.he Planning Commies <br />ion of Hoseville for Ilonderful ~JOrk done on t.heir paz:t. <br /> <br />Ed Hughes: 1449' SkilJJ1laU 'Ha~ he8.1.'"1, opposing Page 33 Sec.. 7 1..14 of the <br />Proposed Zoning Orclinance. <br /> <br />John Rauschr 1414 Shl"Y'er, vms henr-i opposing three story buildings. He <br />sug~ested that we have a limit. as to height of buildinr,s anë that they <br />co-inciðe with the surroUDt'Ung dwellings. <br /> <br />I"i· <br /> <br />t: <br /> <br />IV <br /> <br />11 <br /> <br />n <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />II <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />It <br /> <br />Mr. Laska: 1185 Shryer, was hearñ regar 'ing zoning of lots on Dunlap and \I <br />Rome. This land is ~onerl residential but the lanò abutting back of the lots <br />is zoned commercial, an-i he :cequested that his land also be rezoned commercial. <br /> <br />NI'. Bem'Jon: 1728 N. Dunlah also trTa.!:1 hear":! regartiing zoning on Dunlap and Rom:a~ <br /> <br />Adrian Keller: lhLO Belmont Lane~ was heard requeRting a búffer zone be pui <br />between the Shopping CentoI' a.nd the residential area.. <br /> <br />fI <br /> <br />u <br /> <br />