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City of <br />~~i ~ <br />Minnesota, USA <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Minutes <br />City Hall Council Chambers, 2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Monday, February 22, 2010 <br />1. Roll Call <br />Mayor Klausing called to order the Roseville City Council regular meeting at approx- <br />imately 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone. <br />(Voting and Seating Order for February: Johnson; Pust; Roe; and Klausing). Mayor <br />Klausing advised that Councilmember Ihlan was unavailable for tonight's meeting due to <br />illness. City Attorney Charles Bartholdi was also present. <br />2. Approve Agenda <br />Mayor Klausing requested removal of Business Item 13.a entitled "Discuss Commercial <br />Use of Public Property;" at the request of Councilmember Ihlan in order that she may <br />participate in that discussion. <br />Councilmember Roe requested removal of Consent Items 7.e and 1 respectively entitled, <br />"Accept Department of Homeland Security Funding in the amount of $227,577 for the <br />purchase of a Special Response Vehicle;" and Approve Contracts for Printing Services." <br />City Manager Malinen noted that this item had been requested removed by staff as well, <br />as Communications Specialist Tim Pratt was unavailable for tonight's meeting due to a <br />family emergency. <br />Councilmember Johnson requested removal of Consent Item 7.o entitled, "Discuss re- <br />quest by resident at 410 S McCarrons for City Participation in Sanitary Sewer Service <br />Repairs." <br />City Manager Malinen requested the addition of an item to consider scheduling a special <br />meeting on March 1, 2010 to continue strategic planning, as discussed previously by the <br />City Council. Mayor Klausing added this under Agenda Item 8. (7.p) <br />By consensus, the agenda was approved as amended. <br />3. Public Comment <br />Mayor Klausing called for public comment by members of the audience on any non- <br />agenda items. <br />a. John Duffy and Barb McClellan, Twin Cities Housing Development Associa- <br />tion, Calibre Ridge Townhomes <br />Mr. Duffy noted discussion from a recent City Council meeting and additional <br />time set aside for Calibre Ridge to consider impacts to their complex with instal- <br />