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<br />RESOLTTTION NO. 424 <br /> <br />BE IT RESCLVED by the Village Co'ncil of the Village of Roseville, <br />Minnesota, as follow: <br /> <br />1. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause <br />notice of said election to be given b publication of a notice once each <br />week for two weeks in the official newspaper, and by posting copies of <br />said notice at the polling places awl at three other public and con- <br />spicuous voting places 'within e2ch election prednct. Said noti ces shall <br />be substantially the following form: <br /> <br />NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION <br />VILLA.'JE OF ROSIWILLE, KDEiESOTA <br />April 11, 1961 <br /> <br />NOTICE IS Bl>~EBY 'HVEN that a special election has been cRlled and will <br />be held in and for the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, on Tuesday, the 11th <br />day of April, 1961, for the purpose of voting on the following question: <br /> <br />"Shall the Village continue to operate <br />its municipal liquor stores rather than <br />issue private liquor licenses?" <br /> <br />The election precincts for spid election sh.Jll be as heretofore established <br />for general elections. The polling places for spid election shpll be as <br />folIO't-vs: <br /> <br />Precinct 1 at McCarron's Lake ~chool, 211 North McCarrons 21vd. <br /> <br />Precinct 2 at North Heights School, 2651 nice Street <br /> <br />Precinct 3 at Lexington School, 2151 Lexington Ave. North <br />Precinct 4 at Locke Owasso School, 934 West County Hoad C <br />Precjnct 5 at Alexander Ramsey High School, 1261 Highway 36 (South cO"Tidor) <br /> <br />Precinct 6 at Alexander Hamsey High School, 1261 Highway 36 (North end bldg.) <br /> <br />Precinct 7 at Village Hall, 2701 North Lexington [',venue <br />Prec:inct 8 at Fairview- Jr. High School, 1920 ide st County Road B <br />Precjnct 9 at Ro seville Bar and Lounve, 1600 We,;t County Road C2 (No. side) <br /> <br />The polls for <br />01 clock P.M. <br />vote at said <br />SlOe resides. <br /> <br />said election shall be onen from '7: 00 0 I clo ck ,n.. H. to 8: 00 <br />Each qualified voter in the Vil12ge sh211 be entitled to <br />election at the pollinp: pI;:, ce in the precjnct in which he or <br /> <br />Deted M~rch 10, 1961. <br /> <br />BY ORDER. OF THE JILLJ\GE COUNCIL <br /> <br />~MidJ <br />. Village Clerk <br />