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City of <br />l~~ <br />Minnesota, USA <br />Regular City Council Meeting <br />Minutes <br />City Hall Council Chambers, 2660 Civic Center Drive <br />Monday, June 7, 2010 <br />1. Roll Call <br />Mayor Klausing called to order the Roseville City Council regular meeting at approx- <br />imately 6:00 p.m. and welcomed everyone. (Voting and Seating Order for June: Johnson, <br />Ihlan, Pust, Roe; and Klausing). City Attorney Charles Bartholdi was also present. <br />2. Approve Agenda <br />By consensus, the agenda was approved as presented. <br />3. Public Comment <br />Mayor Klausing called for public comment by members of the audience on any non- <br />agenda items. No one spoke. <br />4. Council Communications, Reports, Announcements and Housing and Redevelop- <br />ment Authority (HRA) Report <br />a. Housing and Redevelopment Authority Quarterly Report <br />Three bench handouts were available for this presentation, and included a flyer on <br />the "2010 Roseville Green Award Program," recognizing outstanding residential <br />home improvements in the community; a map highlighting residential foreclo- <br />sures in 2010 compared to 2008 and 2009; and a sample HRA page from the <br />City's newsletter entitled, "Living Smarter. " HRA Executive Director Patrick <br />Trudgeon and HRA Chair Dean Maschka made the quarterly report; reminding all <br />of the HRA's strategic plan, to facilitate "a hand up, not a hand out," and the em- <br />phasis to foster multiple housing opportunities and needs within the community as <br />a basis for HRA operations. <br />Mr. Trudgeon reviewed highlights to-date of the HRA, including marketing of the <br />revitalized Living Smarter Home and Garden Fair; the third year of the Neighbor- <br />hood Enhancement Program (NEP); welcome packets, with a sample routed to <br />Councilmembers at the bench; current drafting of a problem property ordinance in <br />cooperation with the City's Police Department for future recommendation to the <br />City Council for their consideration; instituting the Greeri Award; and monitoring <br />foreclosures in the community. Further items in process include preparing for the <br />2011 Living Smarter Home and Garden Fair; preparation and development of a <br />fiscally-responsible 2011 levy and budget recommendation to the City Council; <br />exploration of possible partnering with the Roseville Area School District regard- <br />ing the Lake Owasso School site for future housing; institution of an Energy Au- <br />dit Program; and a marketing campaign using new technologies to encourage life- <br />cycle housing and attracting younger families to the community. <br />