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<br />Lxtract of ili nutes of :iel::ti WI of <br />The Cit,v Council of tht) Cit;! of J{oseville <br />!'ansel' Count\! , :li nncsota <br /> <br />Pursuant to due Cd 11 and noti ce thereof, a rC(llJl ar liceti nq of the Ci tv <br /> <br />Council of tiw Citv of Ros2ville,linnQsota, l'filS club held at the Citv liall <br /> <br />1n said Cit,\, on1ondav, lay 13, 1074 at 7:30 olclock P.:1. <br /> <br />Tile fo1lo\'lin0 Plembf~rs \,!en: nresent:lavor Linebar(}er, Counciliilcn <br /> <br />Grennan, Curl 2Y, DCIIlos and Hess, <br /> <br />and the fo1lovlinr: \-lere absent: none <br /> <br />Councilman Curle'! tilen introduced and I'loved thl: adoDtion of the follo\'!- <br /> <br />i nq rescd uti on: <br /> <br />F([SOLUT Wil ,~O. 6104 <br /> <br />RESULUTIO:i ;~UTfiORIZI'iG ,;;j i\DDErlDlF1 TO r::xn:m THE NnU:1T IF TI'T <br />Tilf\T THE CITY fl/\Y liiJLD THe: nIDS /\:!D TO SEP/\R:UE TilE rnD DOCIY1EilT <br />1:JTO T;JO PARTS FOi\ IHPROVU1UTS OF 1974-SERI ES 7 IUD PI PMH OF <br />CO;jSOLIDATED H1PIWVU1E:lTS or 1972 (SS-lJ-P-72-S) <br /> <br />'.!lIEREAS, on /\pril 15,1974, the Council authorized receivinn bids for <br /> <br />the 1974 Improvements <:eri es 7 on l!lav 17, 1974, ond <br /> <br />liHEREAS, uncertai nti es have ari sen concerni nq the iLlrJrovement of <br /> <br />Transit Avenue, Project P-SS-ST-W-74-9, in re0ard to reviews bv the DeDart- <br /> <br />ment of Natural Resources on abuttinq land-use matters, and <br /> <br />iJli['~EJ\S, this uncertainty \'lould result in the Citv being unable to <br /> <br />a\IJard the project '>Ii thin the specified 30 davs called for UV t;,e Contract, <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />>iiiE::E!\S, due to the uncertaintv of the Transit /\venue oroiect, it is <br /> <br />desirable to seDarate the DroDosed Contract into tl,'iO Darts, \'Iith the second <br /> <br />part consisting prilnarilv of the Transit /\venue Ilro;ect. <br /> <br />:lCJi.J TI !EREFORE, BE IT RESOL VElJ b'.f the Citv Council of the Cit', of <br /> <br />Roseville, tlinnesota: <br />