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<br />Extract of Minutes of the <br />Villa.(!e Council~ Villa,lTc of Roseville~ County of Hamsey <br />State of ~innesota <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof~ a rer,ular meeting <br />of the Village Council of the Villarre of !{oseville, i{amsey County, <br />:"linncsota, Vias duly held in the Villare llall at 2701 North Lexington <br />Avenue, St. Paul~ r'!innesota~ on r:onuay, September 24~ 1962, at 8:00 <br />o'clock ?m. The followinf: members were present:'!ayor c/lcCee~ <br />Trustees Coodrich, Kllstermann and Schrenker. Trustee r lanaf"an \^I.:lS <br />absent. <br /> <br />Tlle fol1owini~ motion was ;;loved, seconded, :md carried: <br /> <br />Goodrich 'lovell, Kustermann Seconded, that Resolution No. 615 <br />regardinr the e!:iployment of Robcrt :'loore, as Villa'!,c EI~f'ineer, be resciwJed. <br />:~(\11 Call, Ayes (4) - Nays (0). <br />