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<br />Extract of 1,linutes of ~1eeting 0 f the <br />Vi 11 age Council <br />Village of Roseville <br />County of Ramsey <br />State of ilinnesota <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meetinq of the Village <br /> <br />/~: I,~ <br /> <br />Council of the Village of Roscville, Ramsey County, ilinnesota, was duly held in the <br /> <br />Vi llage llall at 2701 North Lexington Avenue, St, Paul, Ilinnesota, on Ilonday, the <br /> <br /> <br />L7__day of t9,~, 1962, at 8;00 o'clock P,Mo <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />The followinfY members were ;:resen.t..; L <br />'7r; /?J~fiLa. q~ 4~ ~~ <br />a2~~e~ -I 'J- <br /> <br />the followinp, were absent; dl~ <br /> <br />7J7~ J~ introduced the following resolution and moved its <br /> <br />adoption, <br /> <br />HESOLUTION NO, ~i?-_~, <br /> <br />RESOLUTION RELATING TO /\PPOn.TION~1ENT OF ASSESSHENTS <br />HELATING TO SANITAR,Y-S1:1vER ElI'lW'V'D1EN'r NO. 3 <br /> <br />BE IT I~ESOLVED by the Villa,ge Council of the Village of Roseville, i!innesota, <br /> <br />as follows <br /> <br />WHEREAS the Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer Improvement Noo.1.... as last finally <br /> <br />amended and adopte<.l on ?c,::ober 13" !?61 <br /> <br />was fi led and certified to the County Auditor <br /> <br />of Ramsey County on Novembe! 15, 1~61 for the purpose of including installments thereof <br /> <br />to be collected along with real estate taxes commencing in <br /> <br />1962 <br /> <br />, and <br /> <br />WllEREAS parcels of property as contained in the original assessment roll as <br /> <br />certified, have since been divided and conveyed by property owners, and <br />