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4B, Radio Communications Agreement
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4B, Radio Communications Agreement
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10/24/2024 9:41:31 AM
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1/24/2011 8:44:17 AM
07-28-08 Regular City Council Meeting
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Non-Certified radios, or radios operating with non-Certified softvvare versions will no# be allowed to access or use <br />the Subsystem_ Priar to use on the Subsystem by SUBSCRIBER, suc� subsequently-purchased radios must be <br />tested and Cloned by C4UNTY ar a COUNTY-Approved Vendor in accardance with COUNTY's policies on radio <br />operations and maintenance at SUBSCRIBER'S expense. All subsequent�y-purchased radios are subject to the <br />terms and conditions of this Agreement. SUBSCRISER shalI no�ify COI.TNTY in writing of such additional radio <br />purchases and COUN'I'Y wili activate the radias upon receipt of the wiritien notice. <br />43 Financin of SUBSCRIBER Radios and Transfer of Title <br />Pursuant to COIJNTY Board Resolu�on 2004-433, CQLTNTY will iinance t�e initial purchase of rad�os up to <br />$1,995 per radio based on the average price of the radios purchased. The total amount to be paid by COLJNTY for <br />SUBSCR�BER'� initial purchase is set forth in Appandix A. SUBSCR�BER will be responsi�le for any additionai <br />cost for the purc�iase of the number of radios ideniified in Appendix A over the arnount set forth in Appendix A as <br />payable by COUNTY. COCIN'TY wiii invoice SUBSCRIBER for the additional cost not financed by COUNTY <br />upon delivery of the radios to SUBSCRIBER by COIIN'I'Y. SUBSCRIBER shall make payrneni to COLTNTY <br />within thirty-ftve {35) days fror►� receipt of the invoice. Risk oi loss shall transfer to SUBSCRdBER upon detivery; <br />and title wi�l �-ansfer upon receipt by the COITNTY of payment in full from SUBSCRIBER. FaiIure of <br />SUBSCRIBER ta make payment within the specifiec� time penod will be grounds for COUNTY to discannect the <br />radio frorn the Subsystem. SUBSCRIBER rnay not transfer owr�ership of radios fnanced by CQiTNTY to a third <br />party during the �-►itial Ternl without th� prior consent of COUNTY. <br />4,4 S ecial EvendEmer enc,�Radios <br />COUN'i'Y w#11 maintain a Fleet of radios which wili be made available to SUBSCRiSER, generally on a�rst come <br />first serve basis, far temporary assignment for specia� events, response to emergencies, or other similar e�ents. The <br />risk of loss tratisfers to �UBSCRIBER upon receipt oF the COUNfY radios and SUBSCRIBER shall b� <br />responsible for the lass of or damage to the COLTNTY radios, incIuding ihe cost of repair, the cost oi a reptacerr�ent <br />radio, and programming and other costs requirEd to put the radio in the same operational condit�on i� was in when <br />assigned Eo SUBSCRIBER. If there are rr�ore requests for these radios than can be accomrnodated, CO(.iNTY will <br />prioritize allocations. These assigned radios wilt have a generic Code Plug using corninon county and regional <br />interoperability talk groups. <br />4.5 Allocation of Subsystem Resources <br />COUNTY will allocaCe to SUBSCRIBER, on a fair and non-discriminatory basis, sufficient Subsystem resources <br />inciudirtg, but not limited to, Talk Groups, Announcement Grnups, Radio Unit IDs, and Alias IDs, in order to <br />provide SUBSCRIBER with an equivaient grade of service afforded to other comparable Subsystem Subscribers. <br />4.6 Monitorin o�UBSCRIBER Talk Groups <br />COi_TNTY may periodicaily monitor talk groups allocated to SUBSCRIBER for SUBSCRIBER'S inter€�a! use for <br />Subsystern management purposes, inctuding, but not limited to, maintenance, t-�-oubleshooting, per#'ormance <br />assessxnents, unusual traffic pattems (sudden jump in usage), and palicy and procedure cornpIiance checks. <br />COUNTY monitaring of SUBSCRIBER'S taIk groups may occur at any time, for any duration, may be wit�out <br />notice, and is subject ta recording. Access to recordings of any data fro�n this monitoring is subject to the <br />provisior�s of the Minnesota Gov�rnment Da�ta Practices Act. <br />4.7 Radio O erator Trainin <br />COI.JN"i'Y wil[ provide SUBSCItIBER with access to end user radio training, ins�uciional maierials ir� hard capy <br />ar digitai media �o�, and training instructors as made avaiiab�e or provided to COi.TNTY fro�n the Metxopolitan <br />Emergency Services Baard, or its successor, or other sources for the deployment oiradios inciuded in <br />SUBSCRiBER'S initial purchase, at no cost to SUBSCRIBEA. Howe�e;r, COUNTY wiil not be respo�sibie for <br />reimbursement to SUBSCRIBER of SUBSCRIBER'S interna� c�sts related to attendance of SUBSCRIB�R staff at <br />such training. Once the initial training is provided, SUBSCRiBER wiIl be responsible for the cost of training new <br />emptoyees and for providing refresher training. COUNTY and SUBSCRIBER rnay agree to provide future training <br />cooperatively. <br />800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement — Ciiy af Arden Hills b of IO <br />
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