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4.8 Subs stem Database Adminis�ration <br />COUN'I'Y will manage and administer th� Subsys#e�n database records containing the in%rmation related to <br />inventory, configuration, prograrnming history, software version control, radio IDs, service levels, and statistical <br />usage analysis, %r SUBSCRIBER owned radios used on the Subsystem. <br />4.9 Radio Station Licenses <br />COI_7NTY shali hold and administer all FCC licenses on beha�f of a�l Sitbsczibers of the Subsystem. SUBSCRIgER <br />shalI operate, as autharized, mobile, portable and control staizon units under COUNTY'S �CC radio station <br />licenses. <br />4.10 No�hing herein shali cons�itute a representa�ion or wartanty by COUNTY that the Subsystem shali operate <br />without error. <br />5. SUBSYSTEM OPERATiONB AND MANAGEMENT <br />5. i De�rrtment Division <br />COf�N'TY shall operate and manage ti�e Subsystem under the direction of a Systert� Manager as a division vcrithin <br />the Office of the Ramsey County Manager. This division wiil include all aspects of 5ubsystert-► pIanning, <br />operations, rnaintenance, and management. The division will dea� with the Subsystem backbone including netwark <br />connectioxts, base radio stations, anter�as, microwave an� fiber optic systerns, and will address subscriber unit <br />related issues such as maintaining the Subsystem database and managing access to the Subsysiem by subsc�iber <br />unit �sers. <br />5.2 Subs stem O eratians and Users G�'ou /Subs stem Polic Grou <br />The Subsyste�n Qperations and Usez's Group shall be made up of represen.iatives of SnbsysYem users. The <br />compositio� of the Subsystem Operations and Users Group shalI b� determined by COLJN'rY Board resolut�on. <br />Each represented Subsystem user sktal( appoint its own representative. `�`h.e �ubsystem Operatians and Users Group <br />shall make recommer�dations to th� Radio System Manager and to the Subsystem Policy Group on operational <br />poiicies, protocols and procedures, and an such other matters as either shall request. <br />The Subsystert-� Policy Group shal� be rtiade up of persons appointed by the COIINTY Board to advise the <br />COi_TNTY Board on the Subsystem budget, funding, non-operational policies, and such other matters as the <br />COUNTY Baard shall reyuest by COIJNTY Board reso�ution. <br />6. TERM AND CANCELLATION <br />6. I_ Term of Agree�nent <br />This Agreement sha1� be for an initial term begi:nning on the ciate following execution by both parties and <br />contin�ing through December 31, 2flib ("Initiai Term"j. After the Initial Term, this Agreement wil! automatically <br />be extended for additionai one {1) year terEns, up to a maximum of ten (10) renewals, subject to the rights af the <br />parties to cancel t�is Agreement under Seciians 6.2-6.4. <br />6.2 Cancellation of A eernent � COUNTY <br />Except as otherwise provided in Section 6.4, this A�eement may not be canceled by COUN"I'Y duzing the Initial <br />Term. Thereafter, this Agreement may be canceled by COUN"TY for lack of funding to operaie the Subsystem, <br />taking the Subsystem aut of service, and other mat�rial causes not attributable to SUBSCRIBER, upon three <br />hundred and sixty fi�ve (365) days' vvritten notice to SUBSCRIBER, provided that any such cancellation by <br />COUN"I'Y shall require action by the Baard of Ramsey County Commissioners. <br />G.3 Cancellation of A eement b SUBSCRIBER <br />This Agr�ement may be canceled by SUBSCRiBER at any time wit�t or without cause upon thu-ty (3U) days' <br />writ�en notzce to COI_TNTY, provided that any such canceliation by SUBSCRIBER sha11 require action by <br />SUBSCRiBER'S governing body. <br />800 MHz Subsystem Subscriber Agreement — City of Arden Hills 7 of 10 <br />