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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—January 10, 2011 9 <br /> 7.A. Amend Sections 1305.04 and 1320 in the Zoning Code (continued) <br /> district they are located in. The City would rather regulate if a business has a drive up window <br /> because of the distinct traffic pattern associated with those uses. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated this is a change that the Council has not had a chance to discuss. <br /> The Council should discuss if they want to make a distinction between a restaurant, a drive in <br /> restaurant, and a fast food restaurant. She stated she did not agree with restricting a drive up <br /> window restaurant versus other fast food restaurants. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated the only thing that is being more regulated is the drive-up window <br /> and the traffic patterns that this creates. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated she did not agree with restricting a drive-up window restaurant <br /> versus other fast food restaurants. She stated that before fast food could only be in Districts B2, <br /> B3, and B4. The land use chart is now allowing restaurants in more locations than previously <br /> allowed. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated the land use chart was allowing fast food restaurants without drive <br /> up windows in more locations than it had previously. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated what the City is trying to regulate has less to do with how people <br /> order and more to do with the exterior issues such as traffic patterns and parking. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked how the number of required parking spots was calculated for a <br /> restaurant versus a fast food restaurant. <br /> City PIanner Beekman stated both types of restaurants are currently regulated the same and this <br /> is by seating capacity. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked what Accessory(A)means in the land use chart. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated the use is not the primary use on the site but it is permitted as a <br /> secondary use. This would be for locations such as Bethel University. The primary use of the <br /> land is for a university but they have an accessory land use for their cafeteria. This section of the <br /> code was not changed. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated she would like to change the City's procedure of sending <br /> notification to surrounding businesses and residents for projects. She would like to increase the <br /> notification area from 350 feet to 1000 feet. <br /> City Planner Beekman stated as part of the application fee, the applicant is paying for mailings. <br /> The application fee would need to increase in order to cover the increased cost. <br />