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business in Minnesota and (4) the Bozrawer first obiains the writien consent of the Lender to <br />such merger, transfer or consolidatio�. At leasi 60 days before any proposed merger, transfer or <br />consolidation would become effective, the Borrower shall deliver io ihe Lender a wr�tten request <br />seeking the Lender's approval of such merger, transfer ar consolidation, and shall thereaftex <br />promptly furnish to the Lender such information pertaining to the proposed merger, tra.nsfer, or <br />consolidation as the Lender shall request. If the Lender approves the proposed merger, transfer <br />or consolidation, the surviving, resulting or �ransferee corporation and other entity referred to in <br />this Section 4.2 shall be bound by a11 of the covenants and agreements of the Borrower herein <br />with respect to any fiuther consolidation, merger, sale or transfer. The Lender's approvai under <br />this Section shall not be unreasonably withheld, delayed oz condiiioned. <br />Section 4.3 Re�orts to Govez�mental A e� ncies. The Borrower will furnish to <br />agencies of the Siate of Minnesota, such periodic reports ar statements as are required under the <br />Act, or as they rnay otherwise reasonabiy require ofthe City or the Borrower �roughout the terrn <br />of this Agreement in connection with the transaction contemplated herein. Copies of such <br />reports wili be provided io the City and the Lender. <br />Section 4.4 Seci iy for the Loan. As additional security for the Lender, ax�d to induce <br />the City to issue and deliver the Note, the Barrower agrees to execute and deliver (or cause to be <br />ex�cuted and delivered) the docume�ts described in Section 3.2 hereof and agrees to meet aIl its <br />obligations under such documents, which documents shall remain in effect until all payments <br />required hereunder have been made; and the Borrower will direct Bond Counsel or the Lender to <br />cause ta be recorded and filed the Mortgage and such oth�r documents requested by Bond <br />Counsel or the Lender, in such places and in such manner as Bond Counsel or the Lender deems <br />necessary or desirable ta perfect or pzotect the security interest of the Lender in and to the <br />Project and other collateral referred to in said documents. Except as otherwise provided in the <br />Mortgage, the Borrower will not further encumber the property pledged therein withoui the <br />Lender's consent which shall �ot be unreasonably vvithheld. <br />Section 4.5 Preservatfon of Tax,Exemption. <br />(1) The Borrower covenants and agr�es �liat, in order to assure that the interest <br />o� th� Note shali at all iimes be free from �ederal irccame taxatior�, the Borrower represents and <br />covenants with the City and the Lender that it will comp�y wiih the applicable provisions of <br />Section 103 and Seciion 141 through 150 of ihe Code and as follows: <br />{a} The Project is and will continue to be owned and operated by the <br />Borrower and no portion of the Project is managed by anyane oiher than the Borrower or <br />a Tax Exe�npt Organization or pursuant to a"c�ualif ed management agreement" within <br />ihe meaning af all pertinent provisions of Iaw, including all relevant provisions of the <br />Code and regulations, rulings and revenue procedures thereunder, including Revenue <br />Procedure 97-13. <br />(b) The Praject will not be used by the Borrower in an unrelated trade or <br />business, determined by the application af Section 513(a} of the Code except to an extent <br />wkuch does not adversely affect the tax-exempt status of the inierest an the Note. <br />zzassas�a 12 <br />