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In 2003, thc City appro��ed a l��t cc�z�s�lidaiic�n #«r Guidant {��o��r f:no�i�n as L�ost�n Scic��tific). <br />`1'hat pEa��ni��g case reyuired Guidant to: <br />1. Dedicate ai3 easement to tl�e City far t�i� i:xisti��� City tr��il that t�ras oia alr���dy o�i <br />fheir properiy: <br />2. Alto��� public usc ot�thc paEhs o�� tl�e Boston Scienti#ic prope�-ty, and, <br />.i. C<�E�struct �� picnic.�'wai7t�ing s�telter at C'un�n�i���s Pa�-k, ��rhich ���as estimatecl to <br />cost S 75(3.()O(3. <br />In tl�e casc of GuEclant, tl�cri ���as a���uch cEeare�- impact o�z tl�e City's park a��d recreation system <br />becausc tiie pro��crty «�as adj��ce��t to C'ity parks ancl irails. GuidanE �n�ployccs ha��e n�ucl� hettcr <br />access to ancl ii��paci oil thc C'ity�s park anc� i-ecrcatioc� syste�3z. <br />"I'hc otl�cr park d�ciicati��n �-cr�uirentci�ts sincc 2002 have; relatcci to resicjential subdivisio��s. a��d <br />�l�e average ��ark dedicatio�� fcc has ���c�� ap�t•oximately �5,2f)0 per ne�� lot. <br />Due to the tin�ing ot� ���e �'la���iir��� Co�i�n�ission Mec:tiz��, ill� PTIZC me:eti���. a�id tl�c Cit}t <br />COf1110E1 mceti���, fhc PTRC did »ot have an op�ortunity io re�lic�R• this ��roposal. "1'he proposal <br />ca�a bc i����vardecl to tl�c PTRC for- the�r con�»Zenls it�difectcc� by the City t;ou�icil. <br />lf ihe C`ity Cc�ui�cil dcc��is t: iv1K's ��roposals to be i��adc:quate, a i�e��� praposal ca�� bc ne+�c�tialed <br />���ill� CMK. It is irn;�orta��t that CMK sufficienily o1'fset tl�e pat��: t�F�d t'ecE'ct�ti�»���i �teeds crcatcd <br />by t�lci�� LEse; l�o�vever, i�asccl o�� the City`s reg�3latio��s, State Stai�tcs, �and comn�e��ts i�ro�t� thc <br />C:itv Attori3ey, Stat'f is co►ta1�»-i��blc «�ith tl�e two options proposecj h}� CMK. �3ot13 oplit�n5 <br />pr-oposed �7y CMK rcduce lI�e cic� clo��F»cnt"s in�pact on fhe Ciiy's ��a�-k syste»�, maintai�l mucf� i>f� <br />thc poter�tiai ir�-�pact o�� the site, anc� ha��e the ��ote�llial to cont��ibute to ilie C'ity-� par�: ariti <br />reca-c:at:o3i iritrastructurc. 'I�lle di-aft ��rcliminary devc:Iopi3lc��E ����i-cen-�ci�t ��Ilo«�s CMIC to sel�c# <br />�itl�cr o;�tio�� tc� a�[n�� flexihilit�� lor tind�n� <� tc°nant. <br />llcvclopnzent A��recment <br />l���or �ubciivisiu�is ihat incltiid� t��c c��rt5tructio» �>f E�e�v strccEs anciJ���- puiali� ul�liiics, El�e CiEy Lan <br />1't:C�Elll'C a de��elo�nnenc ��`�rccmcnt (��ttacl�mc�lt B). For tl�is subc�ivision, ihc �-csEzonsibililti� of <br />gradinb, irc� ��cm�>�=al, ��nd utility, and dE�ainagclsto�-n����ater �a�o;-k �i�il� E�e cin t17� prap�i•t}� o���nirs <br />ai the: timc buiic�i��g an�� grac�i�lg permits are sub���itiecE. T��c a�i-cen-�e�lt outli��es tlie rcc�ui��emeitts <br />04� tllc ���provcd Final C'UD; tl3c fi»al spccific�tions fo�- a�l ��-�din�, t�tilitieti, draina�elsiori�����atc�- <br />pro��isio�ls; tl�e ��er[i�r�nance �uarantces; and other cit}� r�ytiirements t�> c1lsiErc that the <br />dcvelopment is in3plei3lented as the �=i3ial Plai ��nd PUD «�ere a���roved. A11 gradin�, utility, anc� <br />storm�v<�ter 1��rn-k are sub�ect t� City revie«�, i�lspection, ��Zd apE�roval. The City AttoE-ne:y <br />prcpt�rccl tlie a��•ee��ient. Ti�e devcloper is cttrrci�tly revicti��ing the ��reement, a�ld therc n�ay bc <br />ITlft101' C�tiill��es n�acic ��t'iar io tl�c Coiincil �neetin��. I{`�il1V C�1�311��es are ��eeded, rc��isec� copies �i ilI <br />l�e p��i�videct prior to or at t�ic �3�c;cti�ig. <br />�`!Il[�klltrS O� �'iiCt <br />�.i �r rr'u-inrr.�u ��urd�'nhill.i �.l'I�nuri�{;� �Pl[uui ut,� C�as�'.i -?UU�C(J�1'-llU,i l r�1s rrs�� !'rrliminar t' �t l� frtu! 1'Lr! ntrrl 1'uc� �rliai !PC' :lpprns'r�fl �U.i3l U5 - CC. <br />R['/�ol'1 - 71tn'[7ci�' I'IrfLdrK <br />]��1L'i =� C31 7 <br />