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Mayor David Grant <br />Fe�ruary 28, 20'� � <br />Page Three <br />MnIDOT response — MnIDOT can confirm fhat the traffic forecasting and mode�ir�g for this project <br />has considered t�e entire region along wi�h the effec� the Ramsey Caunty proposed gracfe <br />separated intersection of TH '�OICR 96 has o� it. Mr�IDDT �s pro�iding the {�rojected tra�c vofumes <br />for th� focaf raadway system, based on these impacis. <br />5— The City r�quests that MnD�T commit ihaf there are no crfy costs associafed with the <br />proposed improvements necessary on rnters#ate, county or Inca! system (including changes fhaf <br />migl�t be required on Caunty Roads E, F, Hamline Av�nue, Lexingtan Avenue ar fhe junctions <br />between} to construct ih� 1-694/TH 51 interchange sho�nrn on fhe proposed layouf with the <br />exception of noise v�ralls. <br />Mn1�OT response — Based on the MnlDOT construction project, the costs tt�at wiiE be attrEbuted to <br />Arden Hilfs will �e due to requests made by the city. The city wifl E�e responsi�le for �ayir�g for the <br />cost of construction of the 6' concrete sidewalk #rom Floral DTi�e to Couniy Road F including ADA <br />requirements at the intersection. The proposed signai at Hamli�e A�enue and Cour�ty Road F will <br />i�e constructed as a pa�t of a separate project, and wiil have Caunty cost par�icipaiion. MnIDOT is <br />not in a position to diciate Ramsey County cast participation poliey. There may be city participation <br />in �he signal faas�d on coun#y palicy. <br />Mn/DOT can comrnit that A�den Hifls cost participation is limiied to costs associated directiy ta <br />reques�s made by the city. Ramsey Caunty wi11 need to �e consulted regarding iheir cest <br />participatian policy for signal casts and ar�y future pro}ects the county may �ave. <br />6— The City requesfs thaf MnDOT work with Rams�y Caunfy staff to identrfy necessary <br />improvements to the Lexingtan Avenue/County Road F inferseciion, assist in estimafing the cosfs <br />of sucf� improvements and encumber funding from fhe Cooperafive Agreement funds or other <br />appropriate fund source in a year agreed ia by the Cauraty in consultatron wi�h fhe cifies of Arden <br />Hills and Shorevievv. <br />Art Equa! Opportu�ity Employer <br />ri -: � _ <br />_ - ."�` � <br />�. � . . p � <br />_ ., �, . — . : � - , . . . <br />� <br />