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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—April 11, 2011 5 <br /> 5.A. Authorize Purchase of Dump Truck with Plow/Wing/Sander (continued) <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated this was Staff s plan for this year. Staff would like to put <br /> together a long term plan that includes trading in the second used vehicle (1997)the City currently <br /> owns for a new dump track and also trading in the used dump truck purchased from the County <br /> for a new dump truck. He would like to have the City on a schedule that plans for the replacement <br /> of a dump truck every four to five years, replacing the oldest vehicle, which would be <br /> approximately ten to twelve years old at the time it would be replaced. This is currently not part <br /> of the City's plan and he would present this to the Council at a future meeting. At this time he has <br /> not completed the long-term CIP plan. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Tamble seconded a <br /> motion to Authorize the Purchase of an International Dump Truck Chassis <br /> From Astleford International Trucks of Minneapolis and a Dump Box, Plow, <br /> and Sanding Equipment From Towmaster Truck Equipment of Litchfield for <br /> a Total Cost Not to Exceed $155,000. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> B. Authorize Purchase of Park Benches <br /> Councilmember Holden asked when Staff planned on installing these benches. She stated she - <br /> would like to have them installed sooner rather than later so that residents would be able to utilize <br /> them during the summer months. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated the benches would be installed once the Parks, Trails, and <br /> Recreation Committee (PTRC) makes the recommendation in regards to location and it is <br /> approved by the City Council. The benches will arrive in approximately three weeks and Staff <br /> will need additional time to assembly the benches prior to installing them. He stated he would <br /> forward a message to Parks and Recreation Manager Michelle Olson to add the bench location <br /> discussion to the next PTRC meeting agenda so this can be brought to the Council for approval. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the benches being purchased at this time were the same design as the <br /> bench located at Elmer L. Anderson Trail connection. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated these benches were the same design as the benches <br /> purchased last year and he believed this was the same style located at the Elmer L. Anderson Trail <br /> connection. <br /> Councilmember Tamble asked if the benches had a space for a donation or sponsorship plaque <br /> to be placed. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated there was a space and the person making the donation or <br /> sponsoring the bench could decide what the plaque said, within reason. <br /> MOTION: Councilmember Holden moved and Councilmember Tamble seconded a <br /> motion to Authorize the Purchase of Eight Parkshore Contemporary Style <br /> Park Benches in the Amount of$4,821.66 From Kirby Built Quality Products. <br /> The motion carried unanimous) 5-0 . <br />