e) Re�lacements. Before replacement or physical expansion of the System o� the
<br />Leased Propert�r, Tenant �nust natify and provide a detailed proposai to
<br />Landiord.
<br />� Drawin�s. Withi� sixty {60) days of Ten�nt's completion of it�stallatio�, Tenant
<br />shall provide Land[ord wtth as-built drawin�s of the System_
<br />g) No In�er�erence. Tena�t shall, at its own expense, mair�iain any equipzx�ent on or
<br />attached ta the L�ased Pre�ises in a safe condition, in good repair and in a
<br />manner suitable to Landlord so as nat to conflict witli the use of tlie surroi�nding
<br />premises by Lar�d�ord. Tenant shall not unreasanably interfere with the
<br />operations of any prior tei�ant, the use of the City's Water Tower, existing
<br />ienants and shall not interfere cvi#h ii�e working use of the water starage faci�ities
<br />tl�ereori by Landlord as of the �ffective Date.
<br />h} Access. Tenant, at all times c��ring this I,ease, sha�l ha�e access to the i,eased
<br />Prernises in order to install, operate, and naaintain the Sy�tem.
<br />i) Payment of Utilities. Tenant shall separately meter char�es for tl�e cc�nsumption
<br />of electricity and ott�er utilities assaciated with its use of the Leased Premises
<br />�nd shall proznptly pay all costs associated therewith.
<br />Emer�encv Faci[ities. In the event af a na�urai or �nan made disaster; or i� the FCC
<br />issues an order determining the Syster� poses a danger to the health, welfare, and safety
<br />of the cotr►�nunity, Tenant may, at its cost, or� a temporary basis, place a shelter or
<br />remove the System from the Landlord Property.
<br />9. t��itt9t�m�aal �4a�r*��:��e� �x�P�s�s. 1�1o�withsta��ding an��tl�ing in tl�is Lease to the
<br />cor�trary, and subject ta the rights contained herein, Tenant shall promptly repair any
<br />damage to the Landlord Property caused by Tenant's installatian, maintenance, re�air,
<br />rernoval at�d operation of the System upon written notice fram Landlard_
<br />10. Intentianall Omitted.
<br />11. A�ditional Buildin�s. Tenant acknowledges ihat Landlord may perrn�t adciitia�ial
<br />buildings, systems and/or equipment to be cor�structed on the Landlord �'roperty.
<br />12. Defe�se and �ndemnifca#ion.
<br />a) General. Tenant agrees to cEefend, indem�i�y and hold harmless Landlord and its
<br />elected off cials, o�ficers, employees, agents, and represeniatives, fron� and
<br />against any and all ciaims, costs, iosses, expenses, demands, actions, or causes
<br />of action, including reasonable attorneys' fees and otlier costs and expenses of
<br />litigation, which �nay be asserted against or incurred by Landlord, to the extent
<br />caused by Tenant's installation, operation, use, rnaintenance, repair, remaval, or
<br />presence of the Systetn on ti�e Leased Prei-►�ises, except those, whicll arise from
<br />the negligence, vvillfui miscond�ct, or ather fault of Landiord.
<br />4
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