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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — July, 11; 2011 g <br />6.A. Hightvay 96/TH 10 .lnterslate Project -- Public Hearing (continued� <br />Mr. Pat Haik, �550 Briarknoil Circle, Arden Hills, stated �e hoped the City woulc� be able to do a <br />better job of getting what the resid�nts wanted than it had with the I-6941I-35W praject. He asked <br />if there was going to be any coordination between the two projects to mini�ize the impact on the <br />res�dents as nn�ch as possible. I-Ie rec�uested clarificatior� on haur tY�ey County coutd do a study <br />and prove a negative i� regards to nat needing an eastbou�d Highway 96 exit. He saggested <br />Rarnsey County pui in a temparary ramp in this area to see if �he t�•affie wauid warrant keeping it <br />there perrnanently. He aisa stated t1�at Briarknoll needs noise abatemeni because this wil� be <br />turned inta a freeway and t�e noise levels wif! increase significant�y. <br />Mr. Rabert Alberg, 1857 Tadc� Drive, Arden Hills, stated his home is located right at tt�e <br />proposed entrance to the trailer park on Highway 96_ There will be a signi�cant noise increase for <br />hir�-� once this entranee is comp�eted and he �7ouId like to discuss reloea[ing anc� i�aving the <br />County pttrchase his property. The Count}� is purchasing one of the ho�nes �text ta him and he <br />feels his ho►r�e shoralcf be included in this transactiot� due ta the noise increase he will experience_ <br />Mr. Tolaas stated there wouid be two entrances and ane would be realigned with Prior Ave�ue. <br />Mayor Grant suggestEd he talk ��ith �he County in rega�ds to his willingness to relocate and his <br />proximity to #he propased entrance_ <br />Ms. Jeanne Breske, 4659 Highway I4, Arden Hilts, asked �tow stte wouid get to �er home if the <br />enirance to the traiter park at ihe Big 10 Bar wer� clased_ She stated there hac� been talk about <br />buying out the honrr,es in this area to widen the road but she has not �eard anything more about <br />this. She stated s�e wo�lc� not like to see Hiahway 1 � made wider and a saund waIl installed b�t <br />would rather be refocated in this event. y <br />Mr. Bertsch expressed concerns that t�e County was doing all tY�ese temporary i�nprovements <br />ihat may e�ange with the development of TCAAP. The stadium development of TCAAP will <br />affect these impro�ements and may rrtake �t a waste of tirne and money to ri�ove forward at this <br />ti�ne_ He s�gg�sted these impravements i�e postponed until after the de�elopment of the TCAAP <br />praperty had been determined. <br />Mr. Gary Babcock, t915 Todc! Court asked if there was a City ordinanee restricting trucks from <br />jake-braking ir� residential areas. He suggested if this was not a City ordinance the Ciry look inta <br />rrzaking it or�e. <br />Mayor Grant as3ced Mr. Tolaas haw the Cour�ty determined a rarr�p or iniersecEion �vas needed in <br />a given Iocation when there was noi cunenciy one there. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated staff is deterrnining where cars are co�ning from and going to based on the <br />number of cars on the road at any given poir�t. The cuz-rent traffic studies ha�ve pravided the <br />information that Rams�y Co�nty is using to deterx�aine what intersections need to be i�praved and <br />if there are ir�tersections or �ovemen;ts that need to be added or rerrtoved. T�iis is a process that <br />had been refined through several years oF research a�d study. There are additional raad <br />improvements thai will be done in the fiiture, inclue�ing County Road F, that witl affect the future <br />