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ARDEN HILLS CITY COLTNCIL — July, 11; 241 I � p <br />6.A. Highway 961TH IO lnterstate Projecr — Public Heaj•ing (continuedj <br />Counciimennber Holder� stated she had been #rying to get transpartation infor�nation for th� <br />Vikings Stadium and this was r�ou�= in the hands of Mn/DOT. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated there w•as a Iot of controversy regarding the traf#ic for the stadium project ar�d <br />#here had not been any infor�nation pu�lica9ly released at this time_ <br />Mayor Grant asked if there would be a side�fal[c or trails planned far Lake Shore D�ive. <br />Mr. Talaas stated a trail was not part af this praject_ ?here was limited space in ti�is area. The <br />City can req�est this be considered in the project but he was ��ot sure it wouid be feasii�te_ The <br />Ciry would own and r�aintain ihe sidewalk and up to 2�% oFthe costs of constrUction may need to <br />be cavered by the City. The Couniy is a strong propo3�ent for traiIs and siciewalks. <br />Mayor G�aret stated �here �ad been questions raised abot�t the sound levels at Lake Shore ��ace <br />and how Dave CmieI has contested these. He askec� if there were any pla.n� to replace the trees <br />rernaved to provide potentia� sound mitigation. <br />Mr. ToEaas stated the grading removes all the vegetati�� in the area but efforts can be made Eo <br />reduce impacts by other means such as a fence. T�is �roul d not be a sQund wall but more o� a <br />visua� barrier. The Briarknol� area has been request�n� �oise walls but this area does not rrteet the <br />Federal criteria for souncf walls_ Mn/DOT �ad made an offer to pay a partio� of sound wa11s wiih <br />the I-694 project and the City wouic� aEso pay a portion of the costs_ The City had deterrnir�ed that <br />it woulc� not be cost effective for thern to pay a portion of the sou�d waIls so they wi�1 �tot be <br />insta(lec� as part of that project. Other areas that will be impacted by the projeci were studied and <br />ihere were areas that were faund to be e�igible for so�and ���alls because the number of ho�nes <br />affected is greater. If the City is ir�terested in having a fence installed along Lake Shore, they <br />couid work with t�e County in getti�ag this accomp�ished_ He also cla�ified that Ramsey County <br />wilI work with Mn/DOT anci coordi�ate the prajects. <br />Council�ember Tamble stated there would be a stretch af wall to the west. He asked if this <br />would tie into tt�e walIs being constructed by Mn/DQT. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated Mn/DOT will co�struct the finai wall and the twa walis w�i! he tied i� together. <br />He clari�`ied that Ramsey County and Mn/DOT wiil not take property beyond what is requirec� for <br />projects. if the pro�ect aIters a perso�'s property to a point that it cannot meet ihe City's Zoning <br />Codes, then they wauld look ai relocating the persan: Rar►-�sey County wat�ld talk with Mr. <br />Alberg to see if l�is property wauld meet t}�e criteria. <br />Mayar Gra�t asked how the City would go about requesting the instatlation of fencing or trees <br />along Shoreline Drive. <br />Mr. Tota�s stated the City could work wi�� Ramsey County during t�e fna! design stages to �tave <br />these elements instailed. This request couid be a part af Municipal Consent. <br />