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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - J�ly, 11, 20I 1 �� <br />b.A. Highway 96/TH �i} Interstate PYoject - Public Heuri�rg (continued) <br />Mayor G�-ant stated there had been concerns expressed about potentia� flooc�ing on Highway 96 <br />once the road was Iowered. He asked how the water wouId be hand�ed in this area_ <br />Mr. Talaas explained how the water would f�aw in tl�as area and the water retentian areas. <br />Mayar Grant questioned the nurr�ber of entrances for Arden Manor_ <br />Mr. Tolaas stated the entrance to the north ��vi�l remai� the same and t�e entrance on Prior <br />A�enue will shift to the west to align witI� Round Lake Boulevard, <br />Mayar Grant stated Mr. A�berg �ad expressed eoncerns about the impact the new entrance would <br />have on his home and t�e wouIc! like ta talk to the Co�nty about relocating_ <br />Cauncil�xe�nber Holden stated all the resit�ents along H�ghway 10 have the same concerns and <br />they shauid talk to Ramsey County_ <br />Mr. Tolaas stated the cuz-rent purchases and reiocating t�at have taken place have ta do with <br />future development as well as tne cuz-rent project_ T�e homes affected by this projec� were loaked <br />at and it was determined �hat there was n�t s�fficient impact for those that are rematnir�g. The <br />roads are not changi�g enough to impact these homes. Mr. Al�erg has a legititr�ate concern and <br />the County wili Iook at his property and work with him_ <br />Mayor Grant asked that the City be kept informed of this situation. <br />Mayor Grant stated jake�braking in resider�tia� neigi�borhoods is an issue that neec�s to be <br />addressed by the City, but t�is is still a US Highway and ihe City may �ot be ab�e to restrict this. <br />The City hatt looked into this previously and it is something that wo�ld be difficuit to enforce. <br />Councilmember Tamble stated the constructian of the o�Terpass wil� eli�inate the number oi <br />Iig�ts on this road and ihis will reduce the amount of jake-brakit��. <br />Mayor Gra�t stated the City eould Iook into restrictin� jake-bra3cing. He stated cammunities <br />have not been suceessful with enforcing this. <br />Councili€n�mber Holden requested a sign be put on Highway 96 eastbound near the Keithsor� <br />neighborhood that war�ed drivers to watch for the intersection_ <br />Mr. Toiaas stated Ramsey County could lofl�C at tl�is area to see if there was an effective wa}� to <br />address this intersectian. <br />Cour�cilr�nember HoImes stated the flyover wouid need to happen regardless of what is deveIoped <br />on the TCAAP property. This development cauld impact the side roads and some of the ramps <br />may c�ange based on the c�evelaprnent of TCAAP. <br />