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ARDEN HILLS CTTY COUNCIL — July, 1 i, 20l 1 12 <br />6.A_ Highway 96/TH 10 Interstate Project — Public Hearing (continued) <br />M�'. Totaas stated Ratnsey County had looked at alter�atives for Hi�hway IO anci Highway 9G <br />and this was the best alternative_ The ternparary components of this design may or may not <br />change based on what is developed on TCAAP and the transportation plans involved wkth that <br />devetopment. <br />Councilrnember Hatden asked w}�y an exit road going rzorth Hig��way 1Q ta east Highway 9b <br />could r�ot be moved to the south of the �vet�ands_ <br />Mr. Tolaas stat�d these wetlands go ail the way back. Rarnsey County had looked at this bui it <br />coutd no� gei it to work_ This corner is challenging due to the wetiands and the enviror�mental <br />impacis_ <br />Mr. Haik s�ated the pond at ihis corner is a man nlade structure and coulc� be �noved. North <br />Heights Church is using this pond to rneet their green space requireme�ts for the City but the City <br />could grani a variance so that this structure can be moved. He expressed frustration that the road <br />cd�1d not be moved and t�te residents woulcf not be�efit because of this pond_ Mr. Toiaas had <br />stated ane of the main reaso�s foi• this reconstrucFion was due to safety. He stated safety rr�ay <br />have been a reason f ve years ago, bUt since the dual left turn lanes we�-e instaIled on Highway 10 <br />the safety on this road has improved. He stated t�at the reat reason fior tI�ese improvemen�s was to <br />push more traffc through Arcfen Hi1[s and turn this road a�ta a freeway_ The City should 6e in a <br />better position to negotiate for t�e needs of the residents because the Couzity and the State are <br />saving money with this plan. <br />Ms. C#aire Palmer, 4409 Royal Hitls Dri��e_ askec� how kids would get to Mounds View Higl� <br />Sc�ool from the east going west. Sk�e also askecE who would maintain the new trails and <br />sidewalks that were beit�g installed_ <br />Mayor Grant statec� the City would rnaintain the trai3s and sidewalks_ <br />Ms. Foucher, asked what the al�ernatives were for sound miiigation in the Briarknoii <br />neighborhood, the homes alang west Highway ] 0, and the homes along east Highway 10, SiLIC� <br />there would not be sound walls constructed. Ramsey County has stated these homes wzll not be <br />impacted ciue to ihe cor�str�ctio�n but tl�e inereased traffic will impact these homes_ She stated <br />peopie follow the signs and she would like to see signs instal�ed that red�ce speed and noise and <br />divert traffc to I-694 a�:d �-35W. She also stated i-Iighway 96 is going ta be dropped 22-feet and <br />this will increase the amount of�a�Ce-brakinb. <br />Mr. Johnsfln sta�ed motorcycles also create a lot of noise and they should be restricted as well. <br />He wouid like to see signs pos�ed res�ricEing tl�e noise and enforcing this by giving tic�Cets ta those <br />vehicies that are too lot�d. He stated slowing the speed on this seciion of the raad woul� he�p in <br />reducing t�e noise levels frorn trucks a�nd motorcycles. <br />Mr. Tolaas explained tl�e route that cauld be taken to get io Mounds View High Schooi from <br />Highway 96 by usir�g the satne connectians thaE are in place today_ He also exp�ained a <br />bituzninous si�rface wilt be srriooth at first and will reduce the noise initially, but the surface will <br />