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Parks, Trails & Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes <br />Page 4 <br />September 20, 2011 <br />The group indicated they enjoyed the tour, felt that overall the parks are very nice, and that the <br />comment sections included some great ideas and suggestions. Ms. Olson indicated this <br />information would also be useful when determining what park improvements would be needed <br />when working on the CIP. <br />B. Newsletter Articles <br />Ms. Olson recapped that at the May 2011 meeting the committee consensus was to regularly <br />provide newsletter articles. Since that time articles for the July, August, and September issues <br />were submitted. Ms. Olson indicated she is looking for direction from the PTRC on how or if <br />to assign the writing of articles to individual members for the remainder of 2011 and into 2012. <br />Committee Member O'Malley questioned if they could put a blurb in the newsletter asking <br />Arden Hills residents if they wanted to contribute ideas or write an article. Ms. Olson <br />indicated that decision would be up to the Communications Committee. She mentioned that <br />the articles did not need to be 500 words in length and that the committee member could <br />decide the length of the article. Committee Member Garretson volunteered to submit an article <br />for the November issue, Committee Member Kramlinger for the December issue and <br />Committee Member Peck for January 2012. Ms. Olson indicated she would need the <br />November article by October 14 and indicated the members could e -mail her for topic <br />suggestions. <br />C. Other Unfinished Business <br />Ms. Olson asked the PTRC members if they would prefer to do the trail walk on their own time <br />since very few of them could attend on the date scheduled, which is September 24th. It was <br />decided to keep the scheduled date for those that could attend and the other members could do <br />on their own time. Ms. Olson indicated she has provided segment maps and evaluation forms <br />for those that want to do on their own and indicated the members did not need to walk all the <br />trails but could select certain segments. She indicated she would bring the results back to <br />either the November or December meeting. <br />5. NEW BUSINESS <br />B. Park Buckthorn Removal Discussion <br />Ms. Olson indicated that staff is looking for direction from the PTRC on whether they would <br />like to continue to have a Fall Buckthorn Removal Day, and if so, what park and what date. <br />Committee Member Messerly informed that buckthorn either needed to be removed by the root <br />or if cutting that each stump be treated in order to avoid spreading. Committee Member <br />Kramlinger asked Ms. Olson if in the past they did treat the cut stumps. Ms. Olson indicated <br />they have sprayed but that four separate applications are required and the City does not have <br />the resources for that. Committee Member Messerly indicated he felt the buckthorn removal <br />was a waste of resources and money. Substitute Chair Peck asked if they could replace this <br />activity with some other productive activity like cleaning up dead foilage or garbage. The <br />concensus of the group was that they preferred to do something in place of the buckthorn <br />removal since it was basically a losing battle. Ms. Olson indicated the PTRC could decide on <br />the activity at the next meeting but asked that a decision be made on the date. She indicated <br />she could bring a list of items that still needed to be done or they could use the park evaluation <br />