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and prevent flooding from a 100-year storm event, or an event similar to that experienced in <br />July, 2011. The estimated cost for Option 6 is shown in Table 1. <br />An alternative that was investigated briefly involved routing the northern low point toward the <br />nor[h of this development, into the old City Hall site property. The object was to see what <br />impact this would have on the southern low point, by completely removing the northem <br />catchment from the existing system. The result was a negligible lowering of the southern low <br />point HWI,. Since this alternative would require watershed approval to reroute drainage <br />patterns and that it would not provide an emergency overflow for the southern low point, no <br />further action was taken. <br />Option 6 (Figure 7) <br />This option looked at what improvements to the existing storm sewer system would be <br />necessary to keep the pipes downstream of the southem low point from surcharging during a <br />100-year event. <br />Approximately 865-feet of storm sewer pipe would need to be removed and replaced from the <br />southern low point to the last manhole, prior to outletting into Pond 4. Extensive removal of <br />existing driveways would be required, along with removal of recent improvements that <br />occurred in 2011 Pavement Management Program. Most of the existing storm sewer pipe <br />would need to be increased several pipe sizes in diameter. Two of the largest stretches of new <br />pipe would need to be upsized from 27" to 33" diameter pipe. The estimated cost for Option 6 <br />is shown in Table 1. <br />Estimated Costs of Options <br />Proposed construction costs for each option are summarized in the table below. These cost <br />estimates are based upon public construction cost information. Estimated construction costs <br />presented in the following table include a 20 percent contingency factor. <br />Table 1- Cost Summar . <br />O tion 1- Berm & New Outlet from Pond 2 $17,400 <br />O tion 2— Overflow Pi e from SE Low Point $20,300 <br />O tion 3— Diversion Pi e $75,100 <br />O tion 4— New Outlet Pi e from Pond 2 $59,000 <br />O tion 5— New Outlet Pi from SE Low Point $68,900 <br />O tion 6— Increased Storm Sewer Pi e Size $100,800 <br />Recommendations <br />The most cost effective solution would be Option 5. This option would provide an alternative <br />route for storm water to discharge from the southern isolated low point, without relying on the <br />existing storm sewer pipe system to carry runoff away from this area of concern. <br />