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01-10-12 PTRC
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01-10-12 PTRC
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1-10-12 PTRC Packet
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1-10-12 PTRC Packet
1-10-12 PTRC Packet
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Parks,Trails&Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes December 20,2011 <br /> Page 2 <br /> further comment and direction. Discussion ensued on the Parks and Open Space Ordinance. <br /> Ms. Anderson indicated the reason for the Ordinance is to make sure zoning districts are in <br /> better compliance with the Comprehensive Plan and the Parks, Trails and Open Space Plan. <br /> Ms. Anderson indicated to let her know if there were any questions or concerns. <br /> 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> A. 2012 Meeting Calendar Change <br /> Ms. Olson indicated that staff made a minor change to the 2012 meeting and event calendar <br /> and moved the joint PTRC/Council meeting to February 21, 2012, at 6:30 p.m. The March <br /> meeting has then been moved to its regularly scheduled time, Tuesday, March 20, 2012, at <br /> 6:30 p.m. Ms. Olson informed that she has attached a revised schedule reflecting the changes. <br /> MOTION: Committee Member Garretson moved to accept the revised calendar, <br /> seconded by Committee Member Kramlinger. The motion carried <br /> unanimously(8-0). <br /> B. 2012 Goal Setting <br /> Chair Scott asked whether the members had any additions or revisions to the goal setting list <br /> they had started at the previous meeting. Ms. Olson recapped that she had brought some draft <br /> goals to the previous meeting but had asked the committee to bring the goals they wanted for <br /> 2012 to the December meeting. She indicated she would be willing to suggest goals but feels <br /> it should be up to the committee to decide on what goals they would like to set. Ms. Olson • <br /> reviewed the goals that had been completed in 2011 and the goals that could be kept on for <br /> 2012. Chair Scott asked whether adding the goal of irrigation at Hazelnut Park would <br /> reinforce that project even if it is already in the 2012 Capital Improvement Plan. Discussion <br /> ensued on irrigation at Hazelnut Park and the committee decided to add this as one of their <br /> projects under Item#3. Ms. Olson asked about the committee's prior discussion on dog parks <br /> and a dock on Karth Lake. Committee Member Michaelson suggested the committee identify <br /> possible sites and configuration for a dog park and then, if feasible, make a recommendation to <br /> Council. The committee was in consensus with adding the dog park as a goal for 2012. <br /> Discussion ensued on various projects including installing bike racks at parks and along trails. <br /> Ms. Olson asked if any of the members had interest in exploring the idea of a dock at Karth <br /> Lake. She indicated she had talked to Public Works Director Maurer after their last meeting <br /> and he recommended they send a letter to the Karth Lake District Group to see if they would <br /> be onboard with the idea since in the past staff felt they did not really want that to be a public <br /> area. Discussion ensued and it was the consensus of the committee to have Ms. Olson check <br /> with the Karth Lake Association to see what their thoughts are on a possible dock. Ms. Olson <br /> indicated she would send an e-mail to the Association. Chair Scott asked the members to come <br /> up with additional goals for 2012 which they would discuss in depth at the January, 2012, <br /> meeting. Ms. Olson indicated she would type up a revised version of what they had just <br /> discussed. <br />
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