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ARDEN HILLS REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETNG NOVEMBER 14, 2011 9 <br /> Mr. Lux stated that the numbers would essentially be the same. As far as the vacant lots on Lake <br /> Shore Place, he explained that even if those lots were included it still would not meet the required <br /> threshold. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer explained that the $3,250 per decibel per resident is also based <br /> on the cost of $20.00 per square foot for the wall. The cost-effectiveness formula is based on <br /> numbers that are fixed in time, comparing "apples to apples" when determining whether or not a <br /> wall is cost effective. <br /> Councilmember Tamble asked if the previous offer for the Briarknoll noise wall could be <br /> mimicked for this project. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that nobody at MnDOT was able to answer the question <br /> about why that offer was made on Briarknoll. But MnDOT has made it very clear that they would <br /> not make such an offer again. In fact, the new law doesn't even allow that type of offer to be <br /> made. <br /> Mayor Grant asked if the three vacant lots were included in the analysis. <br /> Mr. Lux responded that they were not included because the law is clear that vacant lots are not to <br /> be included unless a building permit had been issued on those lots. He added that even when they <br /> ran the numbers to include those three lots, the minimum cost-effectiveness threshold was not <br /> met. <br /> Mayor Grant asked for detail on those numbers. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer stated that he believes the vacant lots were included in the <br /> $4,400 figure determined by Mr. Chromy. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that the law does not allow platted lots to be included in <br /> determining cost-effectiveness so those numbers are irrelevant. <br /> Public Works Director Maurer commented that the real issue is that there is only one row of <br /> homes and the law doesn't give any breaks for lower density. <br /> Councilmember Tamble asked where the noise threshold would have to be to make the noise <br /> wall feasible for the number of homes on Lake Shore Place. <br /> Mr. Lux responded that he has no idea. <br /> Mayor Grant asked how many more homes would have to be included to make the noise wall <br /> cost effective. <br /> Mr. Lux responded that he has no idea; the total number of homes would have to be known to <br /> determine whether or not the threshold is met. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked if Mr. Lux is a noise engineer. <br />