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stalls for every dwelling unit on site; however, since the rooms are not dwelling units,but <br /> rather, single occupancy units, it is realistic to assume that parking demand would be less. <br /> At this time the restaurant facility is not contemplated; however, when it is redeveloped <br /> the existing parking will need to accommodate that use as well. Without a proposal for <br /> the development of the restaurant facility, it is very difficult to determine what the total <br /> parking demand for Lot 1 will be. Parking will need to be evaluated at the time the <br /> restaurant facility is developed, and the entire site will need to offer adequate parking. <br /> Lot 2 will be evaluated at the time of the development proposal based on that specific <br /> use. <br /> 3. Signage <br /> The applicant has not submitted a signage plan for the property. <br /> 4. Park Dedication <br /> Park use dedications for recreation or conservation purposes would be required as part of an <br /> approval of this application, and would be determined by the City Council. According to the <br /> City's subdivision ordinance the property is subject to a park dedication requirement because <br /> of the platting of the parcel. Based on the Code, park dedication can be in the form of a <br /> percentage of land dedicated to the City, or as cash in lieu of a dedication. In the event of a <br /> cash dedication, the amount could be up to ten percent of the fair market value of the <br /> property. According to the Ramsey County Assessor, the property has an assessed value of <br /> $2.67 million. Based on the current assessed value of the property the park dedication could <br /> be up to $267,000. The final park dedication requirements will be determined by the City <br /> Council. <br /> According to State Statute, cash payments made to cities in lieu of park dedication can only <br /> be used towards the construction of new recreation facilities and cannot be used to maintain <br /> existing facilities. <br /> 4. Guiding Plan for the B-2 District <br /> The existing building on Lot 1 is presently situated in a way that conforms to many of the <br /> principles in the Guiding Plan for the B-2 District. The building is situated close to the street <br /> with nearly all of the parking located to the back of the building. The subdivision of the lot <br /> into two offers an opportunity to increase the intensity and mixture of uses on the site, which <br /> is a stated goal of the Guiding Plan, and decrease excess parking. The future development of <br /> City of Arden Hills <br /> Planning Commission Meeting for March 7, 2012 <br /> P:IPlanningWIanning Casesl2012ll2-002-Holiday Inn Plat and PUD(Pending)W-07-12-PC Report-1201 County Road E PUD.doex <br /> Page 8 of 13 <br />