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Parks,Trails&Recreation Committee Meeting Minutes April 17,2012 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the three options and it was the consensus of the committee to <br /> eliminate Option#3 and look at Option#1 and#2. The members preferred Option#2,but <br /> felt Option#1 was the most practical cost-wise especially with the additional cost for posts <br /> and installation. <br /> Committee Michaelson moved they recommend Option#1 and#2 to Council <br /> Committee Member Peck amended the motion to include that more information was <br /> needed regarding the cost of posts and installation. <br /> Ms. Olson questioned if they wanted this to go to Council before the next PTRC meeting or <br /> whether they wanted to meet one more time when she had the entire proposal completed. <br /> Committee Member Peck asked Ms. Olson to e-mail the information on the posts and <br /> examples. He also indicated he feels they need to get an actual sample of the sign to get a <br /> more accurate depiction of what they are actually getting in order to present to Council. <br /> Committee Member Michaelson motioned they recommend Option#1 including the cost of <br /> the posts seconded by Committee Member Peck. <br /> Council Liaison Holden indicated if they preferred Option#2 they should present that <br /> option-to Council even though the overall cost of the sign might be a deciding factor. <br /> Ms. Olson asked the members what they would like to see included on the signs. <br /> Committee Chair Garretson felt mileage was important. <br /> Committee Member Kramlinger felt that the trails in Arden Hills were not lengthy and very <br /> segmented. He felt a scale would be most appropriate. The Committee discussed this <br /> and the consensus was that a scale would be enough information. <br /> Committee Member Larson suggested they get warranty information,the cost of the posts <br /> and installation, and also do a list of advantages and disadvantages. She also questioned <br /> how easy it would be to change out the signage if a sign needed to be replaced. <br /> Ms. Olson informed that for both Option#1 and#2 the maps are screwed on to the post. <br /> Council Liaison Holden asked if there was a covering over the map for option#1. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated the sign has a laminate over it which is called a tough cover. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Michaelson amended the original motion that the committee recommend <br /> Option#1 and Option#2, with a preference for Option#2, and that more <br /> information in regards to the cost of the posts, installation, warranty and <br /> replacement, was needed. The motion was seconded by Committee Member <br /> Straumann. The motion carried unanimously (8-0). <br />