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Minutes <br /> Sheriff Contract Group Meeting <br /> May 17,2012 <br /> Altendorfer reported that there is a new vehicle on order for Animal Control. <br /> Nelson explained that after working with St. Paul Animal Control he has <br /> determined that the ultimate animal control vehicle is a full size cargo van. He <br /> explained that they sit a lot lower, allowing for room to move animals in and out. <br /> He stated that it is not safe to reach down and pick up the animal, and that it is a <br /> lot less stressful on the animal. <br /> Nelson stated that he is currently working from 9:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m., and that his <br /> hours will be adjusted when the most appropriate hours for his service have been <br /> determined. He noted that St. Paul's call load spikes when kids get home from <br /> school. <br /> 2013 DRAFT BUDGET <br /> Altendorfer distributed the 2013 budget estimate. He reported that the first page <br /> includes changes that they know will be in the budget, as follows: 1% estimated <br /> cost of living (contracts are not settled);,,� ditional $150 / deputy / year for <br /> differential over Correctional Officers pay;A 30,000 additional funding for events; <br /> continued cost for 7 MDC replacements at $4,045 each; Gem Lake and Vadnais <br /> Heights supplemental overtime (for the Commons and Sports Center extra <br /> security detail, and extra patrol in Gem Lake) as requested; $0 for Investigator <br /> Car replacement; 6 computer tablets for Investigations; $0 for Traffic Car <br /> replacement; Increased cost for wireless connections to St. Paul per new JPA <br /> ($90.67 per unit per month); Animal Control CSO included and allocated a share <br /> of overhead; overhead cost included at the 2012 rate; included annual estimate <br /> for Administrative Citation Revenue based on 2012 actual revenue. <br /> There was a question regarding health insurance, and if it has been included in <br /> the 1% estimated cost of living. Sheriff Bostrom stated that he would check on <br /> this. <br /> Altendorfer explained that it is recommended to not purchase replacement of <br /> Investigator or Traffic cars in 2013, and instead, that they be purchased in 2014. <br /> He reported that the new tablets for the Investigators will have the ability to take <br /> pictures. He stated that the cost for the wireless connection has taken a <br /> significant increase with St. Paul <br /> Urban noted that a half-time Crime Prevention Officer has been included in the <br /> first two pages of the budget estimate, and that pages four & five include a full- <br /> time CSO in Crime Prevention. Altendorfer explained that the Contract Group is <br /> currently paying for a half time CSO. <br /> Altendorfer reported that the budget document provides for different options (no <br /> additional FTE; Full-Time Funding for CSO in Crime Prevention; New CSO in <br /> 3 <br />