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City of Arden Hills, Minnesota <br />Position Analysis Questionnaire <br /> <br />1.Name 2.Current Position Title 3.Current Annual Salary <br />(Last, First) <br /> <br /> <br />4.Immediate SupervisorÓs Title 5.Department/Division 6.Date of Hire with Agency <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />7.How many hours are you scheduled to work in a week? 8.Date of Hire in Position <br /> <br /> 35 37.5 40 43 56 Other <br /> <br /> <br />Explain shift rotation, stand-by, call back, etc. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />9.Is the content listed in the applicable class description accura <br /> <br /> Yes, it is complete and accurate ............................................................................................ <br /> No, it is not complete and/or accurate ....................................................................................... <br />If no, please use the word version of your class description to nder of <br />this form must also be filled out. <br /> <br />10.Education and Experience <br /> <br />Please indicate the minimum education and minimum experience level needed to complete the normal, day-to-day task <br /> <br />(SupervisorÓs comments regarding this information may be provided on Page 5 in the SupervisorÓs Comments section) <br /> <br /> Less than High School Diploma or GED ..................................................................... <br /> High School Diploma or GED. .................................................................................... <br /> Associates Degree ...................................................................................................... <br /> Bachelors Degree ....................................................................................................... <br /> Masters Degree ........................................................................................................... <br /> PhD .......................................................................................................................... <br /> Other .............................................................................................................. <br />Major/Coursework: <br /> <br /> <br />Type of Experience _______________________________________________________________ <br /> <br />Years of Experience None Less than one year <br /> One to three years Three to five years Six or more <br /> <br /> <br />11.Licenses, Certificates and Registrations <br /> <br />Please indicate if there are any licenses, certificates and/or registrations required to perform your job (e.g. driverÓs license) <br /> <br />(SupervisorÓs comments regarding this information may be provided on Page 5 in the SupervisorÓs Comments section) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Are these required: Upon Hire Within 6 months Within 1 year Within 2 years <br />If requirement is specific to the license, certification or regi <br /> <br />12.Special Training <br /> <br />Please indicate if there is any special training required to per <br />(SupervisorÓs comments regarding this information may <br /> <br />be provided on Page 5 in the SupervisorÓs Comments section) <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Are these required: Upon Hire Within 6 months Within 1 year Within 2 years <br />If requirement is specific to the training, please indicate time <br /> <br /> Page 2 <br />