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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL JULY 8, 2013 5 <br /> <br />would be oriented to the west towards what will become a larger retail center in Phase II and <br />Phase III. As part of Phase I, the applicant is proposing to remove the three access driveways on <br />the Blue Fox property. The Phase I building would share the driveways currently providing access <br />to 3771 Lexington Avenue and 1120 Red Fox Road. <br /> <br />Community Development Intern Bachler <br /> stated that Phase II of the Master PUD development <br />would include a remodeling of the existing building at 1120 Red Fox Road. The building would <br />be reoriented to face east towards the Phase I building. Additional parking would be constructed <br />for this phase as well. The building is currently used as office and light manufacturing space and <br />the applicant intends to repurpose the building for retail uses. <br /> <br />For Phase III, the existing building at 3771 Lexington Avenue would be demolished and three <br />new buildings would be constructed on the lot. Two of these buildings would be two-stories with <br />retail uses on the main floor and office uses above. The third building would be single-story with <br />all retail tenants. During Phase III, the applicant has proposed removing the existing driveway <br />access at 3771 Lexington Avenue and adding a new curb cut entrance at the southern end of this <br />property directly across from the Target southern drive access. Ramsey County would condition <br />this new access on the installation of necessary traffic control at the intersection. <br /> <br />Community Development Intern Bachler <br /> explained that the applicant is also requesting <br />Preliminary Plat approval for the site. Currently, the area that would comprise Phase I of the <br />development is divided between two separate parcels: 3833 and 3831 Lexington Avenue. The site <br />is being replatted in order to combine these two parcels. No subdivisions are taking place. <br /> <br />Community Development Intern Bachler <br /> stated that the applicant has requested a 20 foot front <br />property line setback for the Phase I building and for one of the buildings proposed for Phase III <br />of the development. Staff is favorable to this request given the unusually large County right of <br />way on Lexington Avenue, which measures approximately 55 feet in width from the Lexington <br />Avenue curb to the property line. The accessory structure proposed in Phase I would be situated <br />approximately three feet from the front and side property line. This structure will extend out from <br />a proposed retaining wall that will run along eastern and northern sides of the northeast corner of <br />the property. Staff is favorable to this proposal because the structure will be entirely screened <br />from view behind the retaining wall. The other four proposed buildings all meet the minimum <br />setback requirements. <br /> <br />Community Development Intern Bachler <br /> reviewed the special regulations for drive-up <br />windows in the B3 District along with the landscaping and tree preservation plan. It was noted <br />that 14 trees were required along the Red Fox Road and Lexington Avenue right of way. He <br />noted that the City Code requires that off-street parking spaces be located at a minimum 20 feet <br />from the right-of-way of any public street. The row of parking spaces on the northern end of the <br />Phase I development are within approximately eight feet of the Red Fox Road right of way. Staff <br />is favorable to this proposal because the parking area will be adequately screened by tree plantings <br />and a retaining wall. <br /> <br />For the purpose of this application, staff calculated the gross retail sales space of the development <br />assuming 20 percent of total retail square footage would be used for non-sales purposes. This <br />same percentage was used by staff previously in Planning Case #09-011 when determining the <br /> <br />
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