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8A, Old Snelling Feasibility Study
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8A, Old Snelling Feasibility Study
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11/18/2013 12:27:32 PM
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Sdnitary Sewer SY�tem <br />T�ere �s a�m�ll atna►�nt flf sanitary ��wer pi�cs and manhales within the prc��ect area that are <br />autside the raa.d�way area and Io�ated in adjacent tlitches. T���e ps ane san�tary sewer pipe <br />crass'rng old Snelling Ayenue at Skiles Lane. <br />Vllater Sys�em <br />T'here are watermain pipes, �al�es, ��1 hydrants which extend along a majority o� the proje�t, <br />but are mainly �utside c�f the rvadway area aa�d lo�ated in adjacent ditches. There are watermain. <br />pipes that crass C31d Snelling A�e�iu� al Arden Place, Glenarden Road, and �ummings Lane. <br />Accordir�g tc� �ity recc�rds, �here has be�n an� wate�ain break along [31d Snellir�g A�renue <br />which was re�arded in 2�a6. This waterrr�ain break was not wiihin the roadway area. <br />Storm Drai���c Svstem <br />Sir�ce �ld S�elling Arrenue is predaminately a rural raadway, there is �ery little storm serjaer <br />within ihe prQjeci area. Howe�er, there are two catch �asixzs and a correspanding sewer pipe near <br />the in�ersectiQn Qf Cour+ty Road E. �ul�erts are lc�cated under ihe adjac��t roaciways and <br />dri��;ways which �.a�eet to ()ld Snelling A�enue. The majority of runoff alc�n� O�d Snelling <br />AWenue is directed �a ditches alang the roadway which ultimately cirain to pand� or wetlarnd <br />areas. <br />PROP�SED STREET IMPRaVEMENTS <br />City s��.ff h�.s ex�lored numerous raadway impra�ement alternativ�s far Uld Snellin� A�enue. In <br />2D 14, the City Cauncil directed staff ta com�lete a S�aping DQcument, idet�tifying �rari�ns <br />a�terxiatives and associaied casts. FiVe alternatives were an�lyzed, varyin� from co�n�lete <br />rece�nstruction ta an urb�n se�tion (�dding concref� curb and �utter), ta reel�.irning t�e existin�; <br />par�ernent and narrowing the rQad. <br />Based an the diseussions that occurred wiih the C�ty Ct�ur�cal, City Staff recamm�nds a <br />reha}�iiitatian project, where the p�veme�t is reclaimed, regraded and repa�ed. As pre�ivusly <br />discussed, �he nartherly ��� i'eet af C)Id Snetlin� AVenue fram Caunty Road E ta Ar�ien Place is <br />an urb,an sec�ion wit�► co�crete curb and g�tter. The existing curb and gutter s�ctian that currently <br />ex�st� will be maintain�d, as well as the existi�g lc�i turn lane at Cauniy Road E for northbound <br />traffic. 1'he remainder of C)ld Snellin� A�venue is prr��c�sed tt� remain � rural section, wiih <br />shoulders and na cc�ncr�ie curb a�� gutter. The prapc�s�d raadway will match the existing <br />raadway: one 12-fo�t lane in each direction, with 8��vat wide shfl�al�iers. <br />This se�tnent set-ves as a colle�tor roadway that is eurrently designated as a Municipal 5tate Aid <br />(MSA} street. In ord�r tcs meet State Aid standards �nd be eligiY�le for �tate Aid funding, Clld <br />Snellir��, A�ent�e must be rehabilitated tra a?-�on roadway desi�n, The existin�; 24 foot wide <br />hiiurninous raad�cnray an�I S fa�t vvide shoulders will be rec�aimed for reuse as tlie a�gregate base. <br />The recc�rnmended pa�ement design incle�des 6 inches of biturtgino�s pa�vement and i 2 inches of <br />c�rnpacted, a�eclaimed material, The fin�shed roadway surfa�e will be raised raughly 6 inches as a <br />result af �e reclamatiean and repavan�;. Additional sut��rade carrection wil� be r�aadc if poor <br />sub�rade canditions are encountered in the field during c�nstraction. <br />3 <br />
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