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8A, Old Snelling Feasibility Study
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8A, Old Snelling Feasibility Study
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11/18/2013 12:27:32 PM
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P"R�P+DSED UTILITY IMPR(}VEIVIE�[TS <br />Accordi�g i:a the Public Warks I]epartment sta�F, the watermain and sanitary sewer writhin the <br />praject area are in suf�cient operatin� canditi�n and are not recamnr�er�ded for r�eplacement at <br />ihis time. Howe�er, mina�r �mpro�ements �r� rec�xnrrtended tc� the �torn� sevv�r systern. The <br />existing cat�h basins near the ante�section of Cauniy Rvad E�re deteriarated a.r�d nee�i <br />r�placerment. The pipe connecting these two �atch �asins will also be repla�ed. Any cul�erts <br />crossing the roadw�.y i:hat are in need of rep�lacement will be replaced ar�ce the pa�ement has <br />been remQ�ed. <br />PRUJECT C[IQRDINATI�N <br />In conjunctic�� wi�:h the improVements to the ra�dway, the City should aisv c.onsider <br />imp�-c��ements ta the existing brgdg� stru�ture ans� a b�tu�nina�zs pathway alang the cc�rridor. <br />Ca�rresponding c�st estirnates are pro�ided �ar the�e project atterna�iv�s. Cc�nstruction of the <br />bridge structure will req�zire elosure of the road ta thpu traffic. Ig� Qrder to minirnize impacts to <br />the neighborh��rd, construction of both the bridge and the roa�iway impro�emenis shauld be <br />co��urrent. Trail construction wiil nat necessitate elosure of the roadway and is there%re nat as <br />critical tc� ha�e cor�current canstr�ction shauld #he City Cauncil wish ta proceed wiih trail <br />irnpra�emenis. <br />Brid e Str�zcture: <br />Kimley�Ho� and Associates, Inc, inspeeted the �radge in 201 Q. Their repar� indicated the <br />cxistir��; bridge is not in a eonditian to �eceiVe mainier��r�ce that will exter�d #he br�d�e's usefial <br />life. I�.imiey-H�rn has estimated ihat to ren�ove and replace the bridge would cost approxi�rately <br />$491,(}OQ�. `�his eost estimaie assumes that th� brid�e wili �e wic�e enough ta ��cammodate an <br />impro�emer�t �Q �ld Snelling Aven�ae th�.t meets Sta�te Aid siaradards, as well as accammodate <br />the installaiic�n o� an 8 fat�t w�de bituminous trail. The estimaied cost af the �ridge repiacerrrent <br />could be reduced aecordingiy if State Aid standards and t'he �iturninous trail are arnitted. <br />In Decernber ZO11, the City Cour�cil authQrized staff ta contract with �ir�ley-H�r�a ta complete <br />fina! design of a new bridge struc�ure; in�ludir+g abta.inin� Mn1I][]T appra�ral and preparian� ail <br />necessa.ry permit ap�licaiians. It is anticipated that Kimley-Horn wili haVe the final plans <br />e�rnpleied the latter part of 2012. <br />Situminous Trail: <br />The Ciiy of Arden HyYls' Parks, Traiis, �.nd �pen Space Plan identifies the �ld Snelling 1 dld <br />I-Iighway 1Q cc�rridor, from I�amsey Cc�unty �to�d 9b to Trun�c Iia�hway 51 as a major noaa-#hh- <br />sr�uth trail �nnection. In De�ernber 2�f�$, the City hired B�itvn &�Vlenk, In�. io prepare a <br />preliminary en�ineeri�� repart to �leiermir�e the feasibility c�F canstructing a trail alon�, this <br />cc�rridor. A�artian af I3olton & Menk's rep�rt is inclu�led in ihe Appendix for reference. <br />In December �DO$, Bvltan & PVIen% estimated that a trail installed a14n� Old Snelling Aven�e, <br />fram Ca�nty Raad E ta Trunk Hi��way S 1, would cost appraxi�nately $30�,(�00 on tt�e west side <br />af the rvadway and appraximately $�41,0�(� on �l�e east �it�� �f the resadway. �or th� pwpases af <br />4 <br />
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