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DRAFT April 8, 2015 <br /> <br />Figures 7-4 Images showing examples of appropriate building articulation <br /> <br />(iii) Façade Transparency Required: <br />1. All facades shall meet the minimum requirement for façade transparency <br />(percentage of doors and windows) as established in Table 7-2 below. <br />2. In order to reduce building heat loss, a maximum of 40 percent transparency <br />coverage is recommended for the upper floors of northern facing facades. <br />Table 7-2 Required Minimum Façade Transparency by Façade Frontage Type <br />Façade Frontage Type <br /> <br />Pedestrian Priority or <br />Pedestrian-Friendly Frontage <br />General Frontage All other <br />facades <br />Commercial Use or Mixed-Use Buildings <br />Ground Floor 50% (min.) None None <br />Upper Floor(s) 25% (min) None None <br />Residential Use Buildings <br />Ground Floor 25% (min.) None None <br />Upper Floor(s) 20% (min.) None None <br /> <br />(b) Single-Family and Small Multi-Family Use Buildings <br />(i) At least one of the following shall be added along single-family building facades <br />to add pedestrian interest along the street: <br />• porches, <br /> <br />Images showing appropriate transparency required along Pedestrian Priority and Pedestrian-Friendly Frontages <br />Section 7: Building Design Standards TCAAP Redevelopment Code <br />Page | 76 <br />