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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—JULY 13, 2015 4 <br /> center. He believed that this building could be used as an extension of the local school district for <br /> educational purposes. He provided comments on the benefits of a water tower observation <br /> classroom. <br /> Mayor Grant asked how people would reach the observation classroom. <br /> Mr. Salmela stated that this would be accomplished via stairway or elevator. He commented that <br /> both may need to be installed for safety purposes. He encouraged the school district, County and <br /> City to come together and consider this great opportunity. <br /> Councilmember Holden thanked Mr. Salmela for his presentation. She believed that this is an <br /> interesting matter for the Council to consider. <br /> Jim Ostlund, 1576 Royal Hills Drive, encouraged the Council to not put a cap on the density for <br /> TCAAP. He also wanted to see an affordable housing aspect within the development. <br /> Mayor Grant closed the public hearing at 7:31 p.m. <br /> 8. NEW BUSINESS <br /> A. TCAAP <br /> • Approval of Resolution 2015-037 for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment <br /> (CPA). <br /> • Approval of Ordinance 2015-006 to Rezone the 427-acre TCAAP property. <br /> • Approval of Ordinance 2015-007 to Adopt the TCAAP Redevelopment <br /> Code (TRC) as Section 1380 of the Arden Hills Zoning Code. <br /> • Motion to Approve Summary of Ordinance 2015-006 and Ordinance 2015- <br /> 007. <br /> Mayor Grant explained that he was contacted by the County earlier today regarding the <br /> postponement of this item. He stated that the Council could proceed in this manner or could <br /> consider approval of the TCAAP CPA, rezoning, and the TRC. <br /> Councilmember McClung asked if changes to the proposed density would restart the required <br /> 60-day review period for adjacent municipalities and affected agencies. <br /> City Attorney Jamnik advised that the density issue has always ranged from 1,300 to 1,700 <br /> units. He did not believe that reconsideration would be required if adjusted within these limits. <br /> He provided further comment on the 60-day review period. <br /> Councilmember McClung commented that he was in favor of further discussing the density <br /> issue with the County. Therefore, he supported postponing action on this item for two weeks. <br /> Councilmember Holden was in favor of the Council moving forward. She stated that she was <br /> appalled that the Mayor was receiving calls just hours before the meeting requesting a delay. She <br /> believed that the City has had enough discussion on the TRC and CPA, and supported the Council <br /> taking action this evening. <br />