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9/17/2015 12:20:24 PM
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J' <br /> Dale Beane suggested that the agenda should allow for Westwood and Bethel to showcase their <br /> new spaces. Kevin Kelly added that we should introduce the economic development program <br /> and staff. <br /> Ray McGraw stated that the letter should include that this is a City Update—the agenda should <br /> cover current and future city development/issues. <br /> Dale Beane noted that we should have a TCAAP update and provide a free lunch. He would also <br /> like to include the Plan as a draft. <br /> Mayor Aplikowski stated that we could release portions of the draft. <br /> Karen Barton asked the commission if they felt the invitations should go in the form of a letter or <br /> a postcard. <br /> Kevin Kelly said he thought we should mail letters and have the EDC distribute flyers. He asked <br /> what areas would people take? Dale Beane said he'd take the area north of E and South of Gray <br /> Fox Road. Jim Paulet would take the area north of 694. Rob Davidson said he'd take the Red <br /> Fox/Gray Fox area. <br /> Chair Kunkel asked how many people the space could hold. Rob Davidson said 100 plus. <br /> Ray asked who the letters should be addressed to and how many people? <br /> Karen Barton said the invitation should be for the address or their designee. The Mayor added <br /> that we should ask for them to RSVP. <br /> Karen Barton said she'd prepare a letter with the names of the commissioners on the side and be <br /> signed by Chair Kunkel and Mayor Aplikowski. The invitation would include: a letter inviting <br /> the addressee, sponsored by the EDC and hosted by Westwood and Bethel, a showcasing of their <br /> new spaces, opportunity to meet the EDC and City staff, discussion of City updates and TCAAP, <br /> and a free lunch. <br /> Chair Kunkel stated the agenda should include: Welcome and thank you from the Mayor, Brief <br /> discussion of the remodeling of the building, introduction of the EDC and City staff, Discussion <br /> of the Strategic Plan and what they can expect from the EDC in the coming year, and a city <br /> affairs/TCAAP update. <br /> Dale Beane asked if the Mayor should personally invite any businesses. And if we should invite <br /> any Shoreview businesses. Chris Ashbach asked how big we wanted to make this event. The <br /> Mayor said the boundary is blurry, but suggested we stick with Arden Hills businesses for now. <br /> Dale Beane volunteered to provide the letter addressing and stuffing at no cost. <br /> Gateway Sims <br /> Karen Barton stated that we were re-visiting this issue and that it is also a part of the strategic <br /> plan. <br /> 2 <br />
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