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Pag? two. <br />Village Council Meeting - 10 December, continued <br />Schutta Nursery requested to delay licensing of their sign and business license (without penalty), until they <br />know if their nursery will be operated in 1974 (pending outcome of Nursery Hill Plat proposal), or Council ' <br />approval of license refund, if business isn't operated. This request to refund or delay payment of license. <br />fee was denied unanimously. <br />Dr. French is currently preparing for the Village a model Oak Wilt/Dutch Elm Disease Ordinance which <br />will be ready this spring. <br />_Village Council Meeting - 27 December 1973 Walt Harmer, Reporter <br />An on -sale liquor license for 1974 for Estben, Inc. was unanimously approved. Estben, Inc. is a proposed <br />restaurant and bar at 3833 N. Lexington Avenue. There will be a forthcoming Public Hearing regarding the <br />proposed Special Use Permit application for Estben, Inc. This site is now occupied by a Skelly Service <br />Station. <br />A resolution was passed unanimously approving the 1974 fire protection service agreement with the Lake <br />Johanna Volunteer._ Fire Department which authorizes the execution. <br />An Aerial Survey of the village is being done by Chicago Aerial Survey. They promise delivery after <br />January 30, 1974. Engineer Lund is to provide assurance that the Village has exclusive ownership of the <br />aerial maps; maps are not to be sold or made available by Chicago Aerial Survey. <br />11 <br />11 <br />Village Treasurer Richard O'Kelly reported the following investments in the First National Bank of St. Paul <br />effective December 19, 1973: $2001000 at 9.40% for two months, $100,000 at 8.0% for one week; $301000' <br />at 7.0% until January 17, 1974. <br />Mr. Johansen was authorized to advertise for bids on a one -ton dump truck with plow according to the <br />specifications approved by the Council. <br />William Karth was hired on an emergency basis, at $3.50/hour until February 28, 1974, as a part-time <br />parks employee; also to be available for emergency snow removal. <br />The rendering plant permit for Minneapolis Hide and Tallow Company (Division of Conserve Industries, <br />located at 619 14th Street N.E. <br />11 <br />11 <br />Attorney Lynden was requested to advise the Council regarding licensing of private companies within the <br />arsenal grounds. <br />Special Village Counci I Meeting - 2 January 1974 Walt Harmer, Reporter <br />Oaths of office were taken and subscribed to by: elected officials - Mayor Henry Crepeau, Jr. and <br />Councilmen William Feyereisen and James Wingert and appointed officials - Treasurer Richard O'Kelly and <br />Clerk Administrator Charlotte McNiesh. In the near future oaths will be taken and subscribed to by all <br />Village Commissions, Boards and Committees. <br />Committee Chairman appointments for 1974 are as follows: <br />Board of Appeals Richard Bartsch <br />Civil Defense Committee Henry Crepeau, Jr. <br />Finance Committee Ward Hanson <br />Ordinance Review Committee Robert Smith <br />Parks & Recreation Committee Robert Anderon <br />11 <br />11 <br />11 <br />11 <br />11 <br />