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April 1974
Arden Hills Notes Newsletter
1966-1979 Town Crier
April 1974
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Village Council Meeting - 25 March 1974 (continued) <br />Page 2 <br />maximum level in Lake Johanna would be 879.5 feet (elevation above sea level). More meetings and <br />discussions are planned to clarify and coordinate plans concerning Johanna flood levels. <br />Councilman Crichton discussed a problem with transite sewer pipe deterioration which has been used in <br />home and industrial lines, but not for Village mains. <br />Representatives of the Ramsey County Open Space Program were present to give their proposed plans of <br />acquisition of arsenal land when it becomes available. Two arsenal parcels, 35 acres in, the N.W. corner <br />and 8 acres on the east edge, were the primary areas of discussion. A portion of the larger parcel may <br />become part of a proposed 15 -mile canoe route (Rice Creek). The Council expressed their general <br />agreement with the concept described. Ramsey County was advised that the Village is currently <br />considering rezoning the arsenal land. A future meeting is scheduled to discuss proposed arsenal land <br />use. Concern was expressed for the proportion of the village that is going into parks. <br />The Council approved the purchase of two softball backstops and two basketball backboards. The soft- <br />ball backstops will be placed at Ingerson Park and Lindey's Triangle. <br />A bill has been passed by the State Legislature relating to municipalities which provides for the <br />reimbursement of expenses incurred in the prosecution of highway patrol traffic violations. <br />Planning Commission Meeting - 2 April 1974 Dave Lacey, Reporter <br />Dreyfus asked commission's approval for large 6x6 sign and final plat of Additions 1 and 2 for Hunters <br />Park. 'Sign refused, and additions tabled. Red Fox Inn at 3833 North. Lexington got 8' x 7' sign 1 <br />approved. <br />Pemtom received approval for Addition 7 with revisions. Pemtom also asked to revise site plan for north <br />area from patio homes to townhouses making 306 townhouses in entire development. Rumored they plan <br />to secede from Arden Hills when fully developed. <br />Parks and Recreation Committee recommended 1/3 of Arsenal property to be vacated be retained by <br />village for open space. Seemed a bit much so looking into possibility of public ownership. <br />Open hearing scheduled for May 7th on NEW COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. <br />Vi I [age Counci I Meeting 8 Apri 1 1974 <br />Walt Harmer, Reporter <br />Treasurer Richard O'Kelly has invested $460,000 at the First National Bank of St. Paul for 90 days at <br />9.40% and has purchased $35,000 Bank for Cooperatives for six months to yield 8.21%. <br />Dreyfus Interstate Development Corporation requested a sign variance to place a permanent marker for <br />Hunter's Park to be located on the SW comer of Harriet Avenue and Benton Way. The Council <br />unanimously denied the requested permanent Hunter's Park sign since it would be contrary to the <br />established character of residential areas in our Village. <br />,A sign variance was approved for the Red Fox Inn which is to be constructed on N. Lexington at a <br />Skelly Service Station location. The sign is 7 feet high by 8 feet wide, rectangular, plastic, translucent, <br />andinternally lit. This sign is to be placed on top of the existing 15 -foot pylon, will extend above the <br />roof of the building, and will exceed the 16 foot maximum by six feet. <br />The Council approved the preliminary plat. for Pemtom's Seventh Addition of Townhouse Villages. <br />
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