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Planning Commission Meeting - 4 June 1974 (continued) <br />Page Four <br />Commission heard plan by C. G. Rein for apartment and townhouse project at southwest corner of <br />Highway 96 and Lexington Avenue. Covers 47 acre site. Units are three story. Commission indicated <br />density too high, so Rein decided to reconsider plans. <br />Finally the Big Mac and the Rainbow crew has decided on Arden Hills. Location is 51 and County Road E <br />with Connelly Avenue access. Capacity is 125 to 135 seats. Really a whopper. Commission recommended <br />denial of building permit. Also denied permit for sign. <br />Preliminary plans for Home for elderly brought before commission. Located on 17 acre site south of <br />Soo Line Tracks and north of County Road E between 10 and Hamline. 150 units. Programs to be <br />coordinated with Bethel College. Commission somewhat negative - laudable project but doesn't carry <br />tax weight and disturbs park plan. <br />Vi I loge Council Meeting - 10 June 1974 <br />Engineer Lund reported that the Lambros Ditch project has been delayed due to spring road restrictions <br />and wet weather. <br />Public Works Supervisor Johansen indicated additional concern about illegal sewer connections at the <br />Arden Manor Mobile Home Park. Uncovering, inspection, and approval of sewer connections is underway <br />at the expense of the contractor. <br />Plans are underway for the Glenpaul Drainage Project; estimated cost of $7,829. - Easements and bids are <br />to be sought. <br />Treasurer O'Kelly reported that a $50,000 investment which matured June 3, 1974, has been reinvested <br />in Treasury Bills @8.5% discount until June 19, 1974; at which time it will be.further invested. <br />A feasibility study was authorized for a state -aid road to extend froma proposed extension of Harriet I <br />Avenue (west of Lexington) north to County Road E. <br />The Preliminary Plat of Lametti Addition wasn't acceptable because the road was 28 feet (34 feet <br />required by ordinance) and a fire hydrant wasn't indicated midway between a cul de sac and Snelling <br />Avenue. Mr. Lametti has to decide whether proposed streets are to be dedicated or privately owned. <br />In reference to control of recreational vehicles the Counci l concurred that enforcement of state <br />statutes should be followed and the council would be receptive to a village ordinance, if necessary. <br />Surface water regulations in reference to Lake Johanna was again discussed. Currently state statutes <br />govern the lakes and in this case the Ramsey County Sheriff is charged to patrol Lake Johanna. The , <br />council authorized the necessary actions to draw up an ordinance incorporating the surface water <br />regulations. Police Chief Sexton adivsed he will have Arden Hills police officers deputized to augment <br />the sheriff patrol on Lake Johanna. <br />Planning Commission Meeting - 18 June 1974 Dave Lacey, Reporter <br />Details presented to commission on "Steak Inn" at 51 and County Road E. Commission recommended <br />approval with grading and planting contingencies. Minneapolis is gradually moving to County Road E. ' <br />